The invisible man 隱形人

這位老兄太厲害了! 這完全沒用任何的照片技巧, 他只是把自己塗成和背景一樣的色調,
每張都很精采, 尤其是最後2張喲!

Liu Bolin ~ The Invisible Man !

This guy paints himself, no kidding.
He does not use trick photography; he just paints himself.
The last two pictures are amazing!

Here's a hint: look by the front tire.

( 找不到嗎? 看看前面的輪胎吧! )

35-year-old Liu Bolin, from Shandong , China , manages to camouflage himself in any surroundings,
no matter how difficult they might be.

Liu works on a single photo for up to 10 hours at a time, to make sure he gets it just right,
but he achieves the right effect: sometimes passers-by don’t even realize he is there until he moves.

這位35歲中國山東省的老兄, 每次都花10小時以上來畫一張照片上的人物,
如果他不動的話, 旁邊的人都不曉得他的存在呢 ! 厲害 !

( 取材自E-mail,感謝原作者分享。)

返前頁回首頁編輯日期:2010年12月9日 星期四, 1:13 AM