簡易醒腦瑜珈術-民俗順勢療法 - Super Brain

Your Poor Memory can be Improved by One Simple Exercise .
Main Points From the Video :

( http://homeopathyplus.com.au/poor-memory-can-be-improved-by-one-simple-exercise/ )

In this video, a teacher, doctor, neurobiologist, occupational therapist, and parent discuss how one easy exercise:

Stimulates neural pathways via acupressure points in the earlobes
Synchronises the right and left side of the brain to improve function and promote calmness
Sharpens intelligence in seniors, juniors, mums, dads and kids
Helps those with autism, Asperger’s syndrome, learning difficulties and behavioural problems
Is fast and simple to do – takes just 1 to 3 minutes a day
Benefits anyone of any age
Exercise Instructions
Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing and have removed any ear jewellery before starting. Avoid doing the exercise immediately after eating.

Step One:
Stand with your feet about shoulder distance apart, toes pointing forward.

Step Two:
Hold your right ear lobe between your left thumb and finger, with the thumb on the outside of the lobe (we’re not joking).

Step Three:
Hold your left ear lobe between your right thumb and finger, again with you thumb on the outside of the lobe.
You should now be holding both earlobes with your arms crossed over your chest, right arm on top (and we’re still not joking).

Step Four:
Look directly ahead and commence doing a body squat by slowly bending your knees and lowering your body toward the floor.
Go as low as you comfortably can and then slowly raise yourself back to a standing position. Exhale as you squat and inhale as you stand.

Step Five:
Repeat the squats for 1 to 3 minutes, or 14 – 21 times, while continuing to hold your earlobes.
Results may be immediate or gradual. Concentration should certainly be stronger within 3 weeks.
The exercise only needs to be done once a day but if concentration wanes it can be repeated as often as desired.

In or Out?
Some groups swear by the ’squat and exhale’ approach while others insist it has to be, ’squat and inhale’ (as recommended in the video).

As both claim their breathing technique works, either is probably fine.

We have placed the squat and exhale method in our written instructions as an alternative to the video recommendation. It is also consistent with the principles of yoga where the breath is expelled with chest compression and inhaled with chest expansion.

The bottom line is, use the approach that works best for you.

( 社友影音欣賞 ),( 回首頁 ) ,彰化中區扶輪社 網頁編輯組更新日期: 2010年10月18日 星期一, 10:50 PM