

2017-11-17 06:00

◎ 歐錦昌




報導中曾指民航機的駕駛員報告在121.5Mhz收到警報信號,那就代表是由水上的航行物或是失事的殘存艇、筏,或是座艙椅所發出,不會是由水下的物體所產生,因為所有水下所發出的電波馬上經由海水的導通而無法向空間傳播,Pinger是利用電波轉換成機械波,再利用接收器從機械波還原成可接收的信號。上述聯合國的單位在二○○二年前是以民航機121.5Mhz、軍用航空器243Mhz在失事或緊急時發出警報信號(Alert Signal),交互發射,但並未帶出失事船舶或航空器的資訊(國別、識別碼等),二○○二年以後稱EPIRB(船)、ELT(航空器)、PLB(個人),並帶有相關的資料,它們是發向在太空中的低軌道衛星,工作於406.1Mhz,其搜救總部設在倫敦,目前的航空器及船舶並無法接收及解碼。因此,研判121.5Mhz是人為的因素較大,其原因是這類121.5/243Mhz的裝備部分尚在漁船及商船中,所發出的聲響就像極了救護車的警報聲,而且每架航空器在開航後依規定應守值121.5兆赫(航空遇險頻道),本人還真願意相信是從子雨的彈射椅所發出,它的發射範圍大約在二百公里的範圍,同時也可工作卅天左右。但個人的經驗認知應該是海域中作業的船隻誤觸或是惡意發出,因這類非屬新型的ELT並沒有帶出其船舶識別碼。

在利用Pinger接收器(Pinger receiver)在海域搜尋時應注意到下列的因素:由於工作於超音波的範圍,因此在附近活動的鯨豚間的呼叫聲、本身船舶推進器或是經過船舶所產生的水泡都會產生假信號干擾到接收器而產生誤判。另外,迴聲探測器(Echo Sounder,或稱測深儀、漁探機等)、主動式聲納等應暫停工作。如果利用移動的接收器應將傳導器放置在船頭靠近中段前緣之位置,特別在大浪中數千噸以下的船舶船頭會被抬起讓傳導器(Transducer)失去效用,又利用拖曳式的接收機在大浪中操作有其不利處,通常製造商會建議用小艇來作拖曳,但冬季海象的因素下作業相當困難,同時接收極微弱信號的經驗是成功的條件,這種經驗就應該於平時加以嚴格的訓練,當在寬闊海域操作接收機,發射源擦身而過,其信號強度有可能就是在雜訊與最弱可判讀的強度附近而重疊在一起。參與作業的艦艇應參考國際海事組織(IMO)所制定的船舶海難搜救手冊進行組織及搜尋。同時建議海巡署大型巡防艦應於造艦時在船底裝設37.5Khz的傳導器並連同購置接收器,以及部分的拖曳式Pinger接收器。



國際獅子會年會我國歌無聲 主辦方:真的是音響故障

國際獅子會年會我國歌無聲 主辦方:真的是音響故障

2017-11-18 19:39聯合報 記者楊濡嘉╱即時報導






Rotary Global Grant GG1864468: Additional application information needed

Rotary Global Grant GG1864468: Additional application information needed

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Cathleen Evans
Date: 2017-11-16 5:58 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1864468: Additional application information needed
To: su_alan@hotmail.com, taiwan1962s@yahoo.com.tw
Cc: bv5af73@gmail.com, prasart.cargothai@gmail.com

Dear Rotarians:

Greetings! The Rotary Foundation received your global grant application GG1864468: Effective Filtration System for Sustainable Drinking Water. I carefully reviewed your application. I appreciate the time and care you put into completing it. Now that I have an idea of what you have planned, I have some specific questions that will help us determine whether your application is eligible for global grant funding. The Foundation has a lot of experience with a wide variety of projects. For that reason, I will also ask about some best practices that we have seen improve the impact and success of projects like yours. Our goal is to help you secure funding for your project while ensuring that you benefit from what we have seen work well.

With that in mind, please provide the following information or documentation:

What is the current clean water infrastructure in the targeted communities and schools? Is a water system in place currently? For example, is it insufficient for the needs, has it fallen into disrepair, or is there another reason it is to be replaced or supplemented by this grant?

Provide details on how students, parents, and teachers were involved in the assessment that determined the water and hygiene needs at the schools

Are the schools within the host district boundaries?

Provide a list of the schools and their locations

The letters from schools are not appearing in the attachment sections of the application. Please submit the letters collected from each school that confirms they request filtration systems and will provide long-term funding for the operation, maintenance, and repair of systems

Explain if a governing body, such as a water management committee, is in place or will be created at each school. Ultimately, these committees will assume responsibility for the management of all water systems, education and training as well as provide financial oversight. Please note that a governance committee is not the management committee for the project

Water access and supply
Why was a membrane filtration system selected as the best fit for the schools and communities? Explain if other filtration technologies considered. Who selected this membrane filtration system

Membrane filtration is not effective for chemicals, pesticides, or heavy metals. What water quality testing was done to determine the quality of the water and how did you use the results?

Membrane filtration may also require additional pre-filtration steps or more frequent cleaning if the water is turbid. Explain how this was (or was not) factored into the project design.
What is the current hygiene education practice in the schools?

Explain how the hygiene education and behavior change activities proposed in the project are responding to need/gap/area identified through the assessment

Complete the attached template to provide details on each of the following training programs:

The operation and maintenance training for filtration systems.
The hygiene training. As the project is working with schools, ideally the training program will include a focus on building the teaching skills of teachers to successfully implement hygiene education and develop healthy habits among students.
The safe water storage training
When completing the charts be sure your chart includes detailed answers to the below questions. Remember — we’re looking for comprehensive details of each training, not general ideas

Each chart should:
Provide either a curriculum or at minimum a list of training topics and methodologies that will be used
Identify the trainer(s) and explain why they’re qualified to facilitate the training (see below note)
Identify the exact audience of the training
Identify how the training will be tailored to the learning needs of students and adults. As there are different learning needs through age-groups, training should be different.
Include how frequently the trainings will be held (include refresher trainings)
Include how long will each session will be (hrs) and how many session training
Include the educational and campaign activities that are planned after the training so that beneficiaries continue to develop the healthy habits and knowledge acquired in the trainings
Please note: training must be provided by qualified hygiene and behavior change education professionals. Simply using established curriculum is not sufficient to meet eligibility standards.

Exchange rate
As a reminder, grants are paid at the exchange rate at the time of payment. As such you may incur a variance between the budgeted amount and the paid amount (depending on the month the grant is paid). While contingency is not required, we strongly encourage sponsors to include some contingency funding to help protect from currency fluctuation or price changes. Contingency is capped at 10 percent of the total budget. If you decided not to include contingency, please let me know that as well.
At this point, there are two ways to include contingency:
Increase the budget and financing. This will require that the application is returned to draft so sponsors can adjust the budget and financing accordingly.

Reallocate existing funding to a contingency fund. For example, reallocate US$1000 from the existing budget items for contingency. If it’s a rather simple change, we can make adjustments on your behalf without returning the application to draft.

I look forward to receiving this information and documentation. If you have questions about this request for information, feel welcome to contact me — I am to help.

Warm regards,

Cathleen Evans
Regional Grants Officer | Rotary Grants
Tel. +1.847.866.3308

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