At the Rotary International Convention, global leaders and key donors affirm their commitment to ending polio

At the Rotary International Convention, global leaders and key donors affirm their commitment to ending polio

By Ryan Hyland and Teresa Schmedding

With polio on the brink of eradication, nations from around the world and key donors pledged more than $1 billion on Monday to energize the global fight to end the paralyzing disease.

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Bill Gates, co-chair of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and RI President John Germ share the recent news about their partnership in the fight to eradicate polio.

The historic pledges of new funds at the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, will go toward drastically shrinking the $1.5 billion gap in the funding that the partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative say is needed to reduce polio cases to zero worldwide. Just five cases have been reported this year, the lowest number in history.

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said ending polio would be one of the world’s greatest achievements.

“Polio is the thing I spend the most time on. Everyday I look at my email to see if we have a new case,” Gates said. “I’m very inspired to be part of this. I’m also very humbled.”

Rotary International President John F. Germ announced that Rotary would increase its commitment and raise $50 million per year over the next three years. Rotary has raised more than $1.7 billion to fight the disease since 1985.

“Right now, every time a new case is identified, it really could be the last one the world ever sees,” Germ said.

Gates told the crowd of nearly 24,000 that, starting 1 July, his foundation will extend its 2-to-1 match to cover up to $50 million in donations to Rotary for each of the next three years. The match and donations to Rotary would add up to $150 million per year over the next three years, which will add up to $450 million to the fight.

The new funding will go toward polio eradication efforts such as disease surveillance, responses to any outbreaks, and the vaccination of more than 400 million children annually.


Why Zero Matters


Polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% worldwide since 1988. But continuing efforts to end the disease are critical to eradicating polio for good. We’ve immunized over 2.5 billion children in the world’s most sophisticated global health initiative. Help us make history by getting to zero. Learn more at

  • 字幕製作者 (中文(台灣))    Jason Pan


List of Pledges




List of Pledges

$1.3 billion pledge to end polio

At the Rotary International Convention, global leaders and key donors affirm their commitment to ending Read more ›

       $450 million

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    “The incredible efforts of Rotarians, governments, health workers and partners—including those who have gathered here today—are close to making history,” said Bill Gates. “These new commitments will help ensure that we can finish the job.”

  • $154.7 million


    The significance of this moment cannot be overstated. Seeing such strong and unrelenting support from countries around the world reminds us that this is a truly global effort and renews our national resolve to banish this disease from our country.

  • $150 million

    Rotary International

    “The global eradication of polio has been Rotary’s top priority since 1985. Rotary members have been the driving force behind the fight to end polio since its inception,” said John Germ, President of Rotary International.

    • $130 million

      United Kingdom

    • $75 million


      The government of Canada has been a part of this effort from the very beginning and will not stop until every boy and girl around the world is safe from this disease.

    • $61.4 million

      European Commission

      The eradication of polio will not just put an end to a significant threat to newborn and child health; it will also be a sustainable global public good that will help improve the health of everyone, everywhere.

    • $55 million


      For as long as polio circulates anywhere, it is a threat to children everywhere. We are committing to ending this disease and strengthening global health security for future generations.

Terrifying ‘dark universe’ discovered within our universe and it spells DOOM for humanity

Terrifying ‘dark universe’ discovered within our universe and it spells DOOM for humanity.
A MYSTERIOUS ‘dark universe’ which exists alongside our own visible universe has been mapped by scientists. And the findings spell ultimate doom for humankind.
By JON AUSTIN, PUBLISHED: 15:03, Thu, Aug 3, 2017 | UPDATED: 16:21, Thu, Aug 3, 2017

A team from the international Dark Energy Survey (DES) collaboration believes their findings support the theory that about just four percent of the present composition of the universe is ordinary matter.
The rest, the team says, is made up of substances that remain ‘dark’, largely un-knowable and in many cases simply theoretical.
The research backed scientific hypothesis that 26 percent of the universe is made up of mysterious cold dark matter, and the bulk – a whopping 70 percent – is “in the form of an elusive dark energy.”
Our knowledge of both is extremely limited but Dark Energy is believed to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.
And the continued expansion seem to provide concrete evidence that the universe will ultimately suffer a ‘heat death’ where energy is exhausted and what is left behind is very cold and very dead.


This image of the NGC 1398 galaxy was taken with the Dark Energy Camera.

Cold dark matter is theorised to be a non-luminous material which exists is comprised of weakly interacting particles.

When it is made of high-energy randomly moving particles, created soon after the Big Bang, it is described as hot dark matter.

Meanwhile, dark energy is a theoretical form of energy thought to permeate space, accelerating the expansion of the universe at an increased rate.

David Bacon of the University of Portsmouth said: “Dark matter is invisible to us, but we can see its effects – its gravity is bending the light from distant galaxies, so they look distorted to us. We can work back from measuring the distortions to mapping the cause. It’s so exciting to see this truly vast map of the dark Universe at last.”

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