北韓嗆迎接全面戰爭 川普要金正恩「乖一點」

北韓嗆聲將射4飛彈直打關島 川普警告:核武我們全球最強


北韓嗆聲:月中射4飛彈直打關島 北韓嗆炸關島惹毛川普 關島美國基地威脅金正恩 北韓放話射飛彈攻擊 搬出核武!川普「我們全球最強」 美國防部長:北韓別自取滅亡 北韓官方媒體朝鮮中央通訊社(KCNA)9日披露攻擊關島的計畫內容,並宣稱將於8月中向金正恩提交相關作戰方案。對美國而言,關島是西太平洋屬地,島上擁有許多重要軍事基地,美國對北韓飛彈威脅自然不敢輕忽。
1898年美西戰爭爆發,西班牙戰敗後將關島割讓給美國,成為美國屬地。1941年12月7日日軍偷襲珍珠港,並派兵占領關島, 日軍在關島屠殺與強迫勞役關島原住民,直到美軍在1944年7月奪回關島。戰後,關島被美國建設為西太平洋重要前沿基地。如今,關島總面積540平方公里,高達1/4土地屬於美軍基地設施,自1960年代起,旅遊業與駐島美軍消費成為關島主要收入來源。
關島最主要軍事基地為安德森空軍基地(Andersen Air Force Base)。在越戰中,安德森空軍基地扮演作戰與後勤支援重要地位。現為美國太平洋空軍第36聯隊的屯駐地,基地內部署有B-1B、B-52H轟炸機、F-15戰機、F-22隱形戰機等,成為美軍戰略部隊打擊中國大陸與北韓的前線基地。另外,日本航空自衛隊也經常派遣戰機到關島參與演習。

北韓嗆迎接全面戰爭 川普要金正恩「乖一點」

沒耐性了川普要金正恩「乖一點」北韓嗆迎接全面戰爭 川普要金正恩「乖一點」北韓持續挑釁川普要金正恩「乖點」朝鮮半島局勢緊張,北韓繼昨日試射飛彈失敗後,據英國《BBC》報導,北韓外務省次長韓成烈(Han Song-Ryol)向BBC表示,北韓會持續定期地試射飛彈,也準備隨時進行核子試射,甚至認為若美國任何發動對北韓的軍事行動,都將促成「全面戰爭」。而美國總統川普則是在白宮復活節活動上回應:要北韓領導人金正恩「乖一點」(Got to behave),同時聯合國安理會也準備在28日針對朝鮮問題進行磋商。
但美國也沒在怕,美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)17日警告北韓,美國近期打擊北韓親密盟友之一的敘利亞,以及在阿富汗展開的打擊行動,顯示總統川普的決心不容挑戰。
正在白宮參加年度復活節滾蛋活動的美國總統川普(Donald Trump),17日也回應記者詢問北韓問題時,簡短的向金正恩喊話表示:「要乖一點。」
為儘速解決朝鮮半島問題,在美國強勢主導下,趕在美駐聯合國大使海利(Nikki Haley)擔任安理會4月輪值主席期間,安理會預定28日緊急磋商北韓案,屆時可望由結束中國與俄羅斯訪問歸來的美國務卿提勒森(Rex Tillerson)主持會議。


Footage from bus crash in Wandsworth – BBC News

Footage from bus crash in Wandsworth – BBC News

A double-decker bus has crashed into a shop in south west London, leaving two women trapped on the top deck.
London Fire Brigade (LFB) said the women were conscious and breathing.
Photos on social media show the vehicle on the pavement having smashed into the front of the Poggen Pohl Kitchen Design Centre in Lavender Hill, Wandsworth, causing the shop front to collapse.
The bus driver has been taken to hospital and other casualties are being treated at the scene, police said.


倫敦雙層巴士衝撞店面…玻璃碎滿地 造成2女乘客受困

中央社 2017/08/10 20:41:00    SETN 三立新聞網


英國,倫敦,雙層巴士,車禍,車禍,(圖/翻攝自Steve D Luddite‏ Twitter)https://twitter.com/search?q=Lavender%20Hill&src=typd&lang=zh-tw ID-1004872

▲車禍造成兩名女性受困車內。(圖/翻攝自Steve D Luddite‏ Twitter)

英國廣播公司(BBC)報導,這起事故發生在薰衣草山(Lavender Hill),消防局指出,受困乘客是2名女性,意識清醒。





英國,倫敦,雙層巴士,車禍,車禍,(圖/翻攝自London Fire Brigade‏ Twitter)https://twitter.com/search?q=Lavender%20Hill&src=typd&lang=zh-tw ID-1004873

▲雙層巴士衝進房子。(圖/翻攝自London Fire Brigade‏ Twitter)

2018-19 RIPE Barry Rassin

2018-19 RIPE Barry Rassin

Barry Rassin, of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2018-19. He will be declared the president-elect on 1 September if no challenging candidates have been suggested.

As president, Rassin aims to strengthen our public image and our use of digital tools to maximize Rotary’s reach.

“Those who know what good Rotary clubs do will want to be a part of it, and we must find new models for membership that allow all interested in our mission to participate,” he says. “With Rotary more in the public eye, we will attract more individuals who want to be part of and support a membership organization that accomplishes so much good around the world.”

Rassin earned an MBA in health and hospital administration from the University of Florida and is the first fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives in the Bahamas. He recently retired after 37 years as president of Doctors Hospital Health System, where he continues to serve as an adviser. He is a lifetime member of the American Hospital Association and has served on several boards, including the Quality Council of the Bahamas, Health Education Council, and Employer’s Confederation.

A Rotarian since 1980, Rassin has served Rotary as director and is vice chair of The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees. He was an RI training leader and the aide to 2015-16 RI President K.R. Ravindran.

Rassin received Rotary’s highest honor, the Service Above Self Award, as well as other humanitarian awards for his work leading Rotary’s relief efforts in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake there. He and his wife, Esther, are Major Donors and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation.

Rassin’s nomination follows Sam F. Owori’s death in July, just two weeks into his term as Rotary International president-elect.

The members of the 2017-18 Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International are Anne L. Matthews (chair), Rotary Club of Columbia East, South Carolina, USA; Ann-Britt Åsebol, Rotary Club of Falun-Kopparvågen, Sweden; Örsçelik Balkan, Rotary Club of Istanbul-Karaköy, Turkey; James Anthony Black, Rotary Club of Dunoon, Argyll, Scotland; John T. Blount, Rotary Club of Sebastopol, California, USA; Frank N. Goldberg, Rotary Club of Omaha-Suburban, Nebraska, USA; Antonio Hallage, Rotary Club of Curitiba-Leste, Paraná, Brazil; Jackson S.L. Hsieh, Rotary Club of Taipei Sunrise, Taiwan; Holger Knaack, Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln, Germany; Masahiro Kuroda, Rotary Club of Hachinohe South, Aomori, Japan; Larry A. Lunsford, Rotary Club of Kansas City-Plaza, Missouri, USA; P.T. Prabhakar, Rotary Club of Madras Central, Tamil Nadu, India; M.K. Panduranga Setty, Rotary Club of Bangalore, Karnataka, India; Andy Smallwood, Rotary Club of Gulfway-Hobby Airport (Houston), Texas, USA; Norbert Turco, Rotary Club of Ajaccio, Corse, France; Yoshimasa Watanabe, Rotary Club of Kojima, Okayama, Japan; and Sangkoo Yun, Rotary Club of Sae Hanyang, Seoul, Korea.