Invitation letter of 2017 Taipei Rotary Institute

Invitation letter of 2017 Taipei Rotary Institute.
11月20日 (2 天前)
寄給 bv5af

Dear PDG(16-17 and earlier) po jung lin

You have Registered,

District Trainers Training Seminar – NT$3,150
Regional Rotary Foundation Seminar (Spouse lunch free) – NT$2,800
Institute (Rotarian) – NT$6,300

This is the invitation letter to invite the respectable and knowledgeable Rotarian po jung lin

to attend the 2017 Taipei Rotary Institute which will be held on Dec. 1-3, 2017.

This event will have the Rotarians from most of the Asian countries to join together for the meeting.

It will be fruitful and meaningful for all the participants.

We cordially wish you to kindly participate the meeting.

2017 Taipei Rotary Institute (Zone 1b, 9, 10)

Convener PRID Frederick Lin 召集人 林修銘

Chairman PDG Surgeon 主委 劉啟田

國際獅子會年會我國歌無聲 主辦方:真的是音響故障

國際獅子會年會我國歌無聲 主辦方:真的是音響故障

2017-11-18 19:39聯合報 記者楊濡嘉╱即時報導




