Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Additional application information needed

Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Additional application information needed

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From: Callie Czerkie <>
Date: 2017-10-25 6:01 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Additional application information needed

Dear Rotarians,

Greetings! The Rotary Foundation (TRF) has received your global grant application. I have carefully reviewed your application and I appreciate the time and care you put into completing it. Now that I have an idea of what you have planned, I have some specific questions that will help us determine whether your application is eligible for global grant funding. The Foundation has a lot of experience with a wide variety of projects. For that reason, I will also ask about some best practices that we have seen improve the impact and success of projects like yours. Our goal is to help you secure funding for your project while ensuring that you benefit from what we have seen work well. With that in mind, please provide the following information and/or documents:
Please provide additional information about project beneficiaries and how they have been selected to participate in this project.

Please provide the ages of all project beneficiaries and explain if they will be enrolled in school in conjunction with this project.

Please provide additional information about the goals of this project. What exactly is being completed.

Please provide a detailed project implementation plan.

Who will be doing the training and how are the qualified to do so? Please complete the attached training chart.

Please provide further information about the role of the cooperating organization in the project.

Please note that Rotarians must be actively involved in project implementation. Please provide additional information about Rotarian involvement.

Please further itemize all budget items.

How was it determined that there was a need for this project within the local community?

Please explain how this project will be supported after all grant funds have been spent.

Please note that long term support by Rotary clubs and/or districts is not an acceptable answer.

I look forward to your response. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Callie Czerkie
Regional Grants Officer

Download (DOCX, 114KB)

快速通關台美互惠 申請都要付100美元

快速通關台美互惠 申請都要付100美元
2017-10-25 00:24聯合報 華盛頓記者張加/廿四日電

美國在台灣推行免簽證計畫將滿5週年。美國在台協會(AIT)明天將宣布台灣正式加入「全球入境計畫(Global Entry)」。圖/取自AIT臉書

美國與台灣廿六日將宣布台灣護照持有人納入美國全球入境計畫(Global Entry),及美國護照持有人納入台灣自動查驗通關系統(e-gate),依互惠原則,雙方的價格與服務對等,申請皆要支付約一百美元。



台灣民眾成為全球入境計畫會員後,也會享有美國國土安全部的「TSA預先篩檢計畫」(TSA Pre)」,在「出境」美國時若搭乘與該計畫合作的航空公司,也可於主要機場使用專用通道並快速安檢通關。

然而,根據「TSA預先篩檢計畫」網站資訊,目前有卅七家與該計畫合作的航空公司,包括美國航空、聯合航空、捷藍航空(JetBlue Airways)等,但台灣的國籍航空長榮、華航等未加入。

至於是否能以全球入境計畫的會員批准信函走「預先篩檢計畫」通道?根據「預先篩檢計畫」網站,答案是「不行」,登機證上必須要顯示「預先篩檢計畫」(TSA Pre)才可以,無法透過其他文件或批准信函進入「預先篩檢計畫」通道。

