Rotary Global Grant GG1863858: Additional application information needed

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From: Cathleen Evans <>
Date: 2017-11-21 5:31 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1863858: Additional application information needed

Dear Rotarians,

Greetings! The Rotary Foundation received your global grant GG1863858: Palliative Care and Home Care.  I carefully reviewed your application and appreciate the time and care you put into completing it. Now that I have an idea of what you have planned, I have some questions that will help us determine whether your application is eligible for global grant funding.

Objectives. As we understand it, the project will donate medical equipment to Nan Hospital for use on end-of-life care.  Is this correct?

It is not clear what, if any, of the equipment donated through this project will be used for home-based care.  What equipment will be used for home-based care?

Equipment. Will the equipment provided in this grant be used only for the treatment and care of palliative patients?  If not, explain how the equipment will be used.

Equipment.  The applicant states “the hospital already owned some of these equipments before this project begin” – the meaning of this is not clear.  Does this mean that the equipment included in the budget was already purchased?

Training.  Does Nan Hospital have staff that is appropriately trained to operate the medical equipment? If not, provide details on the training staff will receive so they are able to operate the equipment.

Training.  Does Nan Hospital have staff that is appropriately trained to maintain and repair the medical equipment? If not, provide details on the training staff will receive so they are able to maintain and repair the equipment.

Budget. The 128,600 THB for the public awareness campaign includes expenses that need further clarification

Who will facilitate the training and how are they qualified to provide this training?

Why is hotel and transport needed?

What is the difference between “officers and speakers wage 400×6 hrs”; “workers wage 300 per day” and “specialist speaker”?  Further explain the role and responsibility each of will have in the training

If you have any questions about our request for information and documentation, feel welcome to contact me — I am happy to help.

Warm regards,


……………………………..Cathleen Evans
Regional Grants Officer | Rotary Grants
Tel. +1.847.866.3308
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稱扶輪社成員「肥羊」 柯P發言掀網友論戰





對此,有許多網友贊同柯文哲這番言論,並表示「看來阿伯很清楚扶輪社是什麼XD」、「柯文哲的誠實,是其他政治人物比不上的」、「撈死這些肥羊」、「講實話會得罪人的」、「又施鹽」、「可以不要心裏想什麼就講出來嗎」、「太誠實了 又要被幹了」。



扶輪社惜食送餐 柯文哲響應:體現文明與價值

2016-10-05 13:14〔記者張凱翔/台北報導〕國際扶輪3520地區有感浪費食物問題嚴重,今年推「惜食台灣行動」,向果菜市場、肉品供應商、米商募集食材,交給寰宇國際文化教育基金會的愛心廚房製成餐盒,再由扶輪社友排定送餐輪值表,與里長一同送餐;柯文哲今出席「惜食」誓師大會表示,幫助弱勢體現了重要的文明與價值。

  • 柯文哲表示,將資源送到有需要的弱勢身上是體現台北市文明價值的活動。(記者張凱翔攝)柯文哲表示,將資源送到有需要的弱勢身上是體現台北市文明價值的活動。(記者張凱翔攝)
  • 柯文哲表示,將資源送到有需要的弱勢身上是體現台北市文明價值的活動。(記者張凱翔攝)柯文哲表示,將資源送到有需要的弱勢身上是體現台北市文明價值的活動。(記者張凱翔攝)



