敬邀_台中網路扶輪社授證典禮暨南屯扶輪社、中科扶輪社聯合例會 (2017/11/18)

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寄件者: 台中網路扶輪社 <grandtaichungeclub@gmail.com>
日期: 2017年11月10日 下午12:56
主旨: 敬邀_台中網路扶輪社授證典禮暨南屯扶輪社、中科扶輪社聯合例會
收件者: 3462 DGE Ortho辦公室 <3462dg1718@gmail.com>, “1-1分區助理總監AG-AST(李安娜)” <godot5305@gmail.com>, 1-2分助理總監李世鵬Michael <elsah@asianatwn.com.tw>, 1-3分助理總監賴正益Jongsen <jongsen.timber@gmail.com>, “1-4EC分助理總監周添銘E. C” <ctm89899@gmail.com>, 2-1分助理總監吳毓彬Bridge <sanfu79@ms4.hinet.net>, “2-2 張皆福 S.F鹿港東區社” <nnnnn0104@gmail.com>, 2-3分助理總監洪新䒴Green <a0937778772@yahoo.com.tw>, 2-4 宋功超Puma-田中社 <hunhsin463@hotmail.com>, 1-1-1台中西北社 <nwrc@ms46.hinet.net>, 1-1-2 台中西屯社 <situen.rotary@msa.hinet.net>, 1-1-4台中東海社 <throtary@tcts.seed.net.tw>, 1-1-5台中中科社 <science.parking@msa.hinet.net>, 1-1-5台中國美社 <taichungfineart@gmail.com>, 1-1-6台中惠民社 <huimin.rc@gmail.com>, 1-1-7台中網路社 <grandtaichungeclub@gmail.com>, 1-1-8台中惠文社 <elite.rc111@gmail.com>, 1-1-9台中黎明社 <rctaichungdawn@gmail.com>, 1-1台中南屯社 <nantunrc@ms63.hinet.net>, 1-2-1台中西南社 <swrc@ms61.hinet.net>, 1-2-2台中北區社 <tnrc@ms41.hinet.net>, 1-2-3台中北屯社 <peitunrc@ms36.hinet.net>, 1-2-4台中松竹社 <sonzhurc@ms33.hinet.net>, 1-2-5台中環中社 <simple6665@gmail.com>, 1-2-6台中菁英網路社 <taichungeliteclub@gmail.com>, 1-3-1霧峰社 <service@wufeng.org.tw>, 1-3-2大里社 <taliclub@ms74.hinet.net>, 1-3-3太平社 <tprot@ms74.hinet.net>, 1-3-4烏日社 <w3385219@ms71.hinet.net>, 1-3-5大里國光社 <s5212160@ms59.hinet.net>, 1-3-6大里中興社 <rotary77605@gmail.com>, 1-3-7太平洋社 <3460tpytc@gmail.com>, 1-3-8台中草悟道社 <tcg20160219@gmail.com>, 2-1-1彰化社 <rotary44@ms48.hinet.net>, 2-1-2彰化西北社 <rotary@ms10.hinet.net>, 2-1-3彰化南區社 <rotary7369872@gmail.com>, 2-1-4彰化東南社 <serotary@ms59.hinet.net>, 2-1-5彰化皇家社 <s0102062@ms59.hinet.net>, 2-1-6八卦山社 <baguashanrotary@gmail.com>, 2-1-7彰化春風社 <7883548@gmail.com>, 2-2-1彰化中區社 <centrc.yen@msa.hinet.net>, 2-2-2鹿港社 <n7788760@ms66.hinet.net>, 2-2-3彰化松柏社 <evgr@ms77.hinet.net>, 2-2-4彰化東區社 <reast@ms62.hinet.net>, 2-2-5鹿港東區社 <e710.s603@msa.hinet.net>, 2-2-6彰化東北社 <chne.rotary@gmail.com>, 2-2-7彰化創世紀社 <changhuagenesis@gmail.com>, 2-3-10員林東北社 <ylne.service@gmail.com>, 2-3-11員林南區社 <rotary.yuanlinsouth@gmail.com>, 2-3-1員林社 <rotary_yuanlin@yahoo.com.tw>, 2-3-2北斗社 <rotarypt@ms61.hinet.net>, 2-3-3員林西南社 <ylsw.rotary@msa.hinet.net>, 2-3-4田中社 <tyan_chung@yahoo.com.tw>, 2-3-5二林社 <g003344@gmail.com>, 2-3-6溪湖社 <chihu.rotary@msa.hinet.net>, 2-3-7員林中區社 <ylconrc@tcts.seed.net.tw>, 2-3-8員林誼真社 <yijen1996@yahoo.com.tw>, 2-3-9溪湖中區社 <chihucentral@gmail.com>, 3-1-1南投社 <judy.ap@msa.hinet.net>, 3-1-2埔里社 <rotary.puli@msa.hinet.net>, 3-1-3草屯社 <linmay6297@yahoo.com.tw>, 3-1-4 竹山社 <two2640817@yahoo.com.tw>, 3-1-5水里社 <s747678@yahoo.com.tw>, 3-1-6草屯中央社 <soqooqoo@yahoo.com.tw>, 3-1-7南投南崗社 <nankang0103@yahoo.com.tw>, 3-1-8日月潭社 <smlrotary555@gmail.com>, “3-1分區助理總監AG-Plot(林伸希)” <plot5974@pchome.com.tw>, 3-1副秘書長簡志宏CPA <lanjai880@gmail.com>, chin lin huang <maclinhuang@gmail.com>, DGE Ortho <tonyhsieh108@yahoo.com.tw>, “PDG C.P.A.蕭溪明-彰化南區社” <ds.cpa@msa.hinet.net>, PDG Paul洪博彥-台中西北社 <paul.d3460@hotmail.com.tw>, PDG Woo-Sun吳桂洲-員林社 <ccy5353@yahoo.com.tw>, Sp蔡秋明 <sp9337@yahoo.com>, Today沈登贊-1819DG <edsim@ms36.hinet.net>, “劉振銘(Print)” <taiwan.tk@msa.hinet.net>, 劉顯彰 <L4329@ms69.hinet.net>, 劉顯彰 <zus519353@gmail.com>, “周明智(Chest)” <graduate@csmu.edu.tw>, 地區副秘書長劉燦霖Green <green42liu@gmail.com>, 地區副秘書長賴國弘Structure <structure_lai@yahoo.com.tw>, 地區助理總監 洪強森 Sono <sonobien@yahoo.com>, 地區執行秘書賴百賦Bikeman <hitop.bike@msa.hinet.net>, 張勝雄 <a0937483737@gmail.com>, 扶輪資訊網路主委 黃得倫Alen <alen@cyo.tw>, 攝影美學主委金學宏Rack <jsh89711@ms54.hinet.net>, 施昭彰 <sypengshih@msn.com>, 林伯龍 BV5AF <bv5af73@gmail.com>, “林炳村(Jason)” <chiller-lin@hotmail.com>, 趙志能 <jim@kingsun.ca>, 陳俊仁 <dtoij2water@gmail.com>, amy1012 <amy1012@ms18.hinet.net>, RYE D3462 <d3462rye@gmail.com>, 台中文心社 <rotary.wenshi@msa.hinet.net>, 台中市政社 <sjrotary2011@gmail.com>, 台興扶輪社 <rotary.taihsing@gmail.com>, 台中東興社 <rcrise@ms49.hinet.net>, 台中港西濱網路扶輪社 <rotary.wceclub@gmail.com>, 豐原社 <rotary01@ms38.hinet.net>

敬邀 蒞臨指導


時間:106 / 11 /18 (
地點:裕元花園酒店 溫莎廣場四樓


為確認出席人數及晚宴準備,敬請於106 / 11/ 14前以電話或EMAIL回覆,謝謝 !


聯絡人:執行秘書 Sonya 0933-529069

社長 Nancy 0933-490776

秘書 Raymond 0928-912719





Nancy  社長 敬邀


Best regards,

執行秘書 Sonya 賴詠譁


Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Additional application information needed

Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Additional application information needed

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Callie Czerkie <Callie.Czerkie@rotary.org>
Date: 2017-10-25 6:01 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Additional application information needed
To: hasegawa@admic.co.jp, steven@hartford.com.tw, ortho@rctc.org.tw, bv5af73@gmail.com, paul.d3460@hotmail.com.tw, bv5afg@gmail.com, jillvalentines1@gmail.com, shinbok@ruby.ocn.ne.jp, honbu@kom-medical.co.jp, n-kucho@po.sphere.ne.jp, s-tomy@arumo-gr.co.jp

Dear Rotarians,

Greetings! The Rotary Foundation (TRF) has received your global grant application. I have carefully reviewed your application and I appreciate the time and care you put into completing it. Now that I have an idea of what you have planned, I have some specific questions that will help us determine whether your application is eligible for global grant funding. The Foundation has a lot of experience with a wide variety of projects. For that reason, I will also ask about some best practices that we have seen improve the impact and success of projects like yours. Our goal is to help you secure funding for your project while ensuring that you benefit from what we have seen work well. With that in mind, please provide the following information and/or documents:
Please provide additional information about project beneficiaries and how they have been selected to participate in this project.

Please provide the ages of all project beneficiaries and explain if they will be enrolled in school in conjunction with this project.

Please provide additional information about the goals of this project. What exactly is being completed.

Please provide a detailed project implementation plan.

Who will be doing the training and how are the qualified to do so? Please complete the attached training chart.

Please provide further information about the role of the cooperating organization in the project.

Please note that Rotarians must be actively involved in project implementation. Please provide additional information about Rotarian involvement.

Please further itemize all budget items.

How was it determined that there was a need for this project within the local community?

Please explain how this project will be supported after all grant funds have been spent.

Please note that long term support by Rotary clubs and/or districts is not an acceptable answer.

I look forward to your response. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Callie Czerkie
Regional Grants Officer

Download (DOCX, 114KB)

全球獎助金 台中南屯社申請案 GG1861177,因提供資料不足,回歸 草稿Draft 階段

全球獎助金 台中南屯社申請案 GG1861177,因提供資料不足,回歸 草稿Draft 階段
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: BV5AF <bv5af73@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-09-26 3:46 GMT+08:00
Subject: Fwd: Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Application Returned to Draft
To: 3462DG1718 <3462dg1718@gmail.com>, R_Jim趙志能 <jim@kingsun.ca>, “R.Ortho.Shie謝明憲” <tonyhsieh108@yahoo.com.tw>, R_Toij陳俊仁 <toij1105@yahoo.com.tw>

台中南屯社申請案 GG1861177,因提供資料不足,被退件,回歸 草稿Draft 階段;要補件_補充說明。

PDG Doctor 2017/09/26

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Callie Czerkie <Callie.Czerkie@rotary.org>
Date: 2017-09-26 3:15 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Application Returned to Draft
To: honbu@kom-medical.co.jp, bv5af73@gmail.com, bv5afg@gmail.com, hasegawa@admic.co.jp, ortho@rctc.org.tw, shinbok@ruby.ocn.ne.jp, n-kucho@po.sphere.ne.jp, steven@hartford.com.tw, s-tomy@arumo-gr.co.jp

Dear Rotarians:

Greetings from Evanston! I hope you are well. Please note that I have returned this application to draft status as there is currently not enough information within the application to evaluate it for approval. I encourage you to provide significantly more information about the project including details about any training that is taking place.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Callie Czerkie

台中南屯社 GG1861177 2017/09/29內容: