Love To You Taiwan (Lobo) (高畫質 高音質) (中文翻譯)

Love To You Taiwan (Lobo) (高畫質 高音質) (中文翻譯)
Lobo specially made for Taiwan ” Love to You Taiwan” !
中英歌詞對照版: 太棒了、台灣要好好加油!

發佈日期:2017年4月27日,訂閱 2,100
Love To You Taiwan (愛你台灣) , (Lobo/灰狼)
Lyrics (作詞):Lobo

I come to your land a stranger
(我一個陌生人 來到你們的地方)
You made me feel at home
You open up your arms and gave me warmth
I never felt alone

You won my heart forever
With your gentle friendly ways
So with love I send to you my friends
(所以我滿懷著愛 要送給我的朋友們)
This song from far away

With love to you Taiwan from one
Who always will be thankful to you
(滿懷著感激 將它獻給你們)
Music’s what I live and it’s all that I can give
With love to you Taiwan
(藉這首歌 把愛獻給你們台灣)

The beauty of your island is more than you can see
(這塊土地之美 遠遠超過你們所見的)
You stood up for what was right you had to be free
(你們堅持著 必須自由的真理)
Good friends are forever that’s how it’s always been
(好朋友永遠如故 這是不會改變的)
Words reach out with quiet doubts
But music makes us friends

With love to you Taiwan from one
Who always will be thankful to you
(滿懷著感激 將它獻給你們)
Music’s what I live and it’s all that I can give
With love to you Taiwan
(藉這首歌 把愛獻給你們台灣)

With love to you Taiwan from one
Who always will be thankful to you
(滿懷著感激 將它獻給你們)
Music’s what I live and it’s all that I can give
With love to you Taiwan
(藉這首歌 把愛獻給你們台灣)

With love to you Taiwan
Love to you Taiwan
With love to you Taiwan
View from Local website

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( 2017/08/08 D3462 DRFC chair & PDG Doctor P-J Lin )