RI D3360-D3462 GG 1863858全球獎助金成果報告結案_2018/05/12

RI D3360-D3462 GG 1863858全球獎助金成果報告結案_2018/05/11-13

彰化中區社由趙志能Jim PP與黃郁國Print P代表前往D3360泰北會場

1) 05/11飛抵曼谷國際機場,D3350 PDG Prawit Rojkajonnapalai 李廷接 前總監 (RY 2013-14)接機,車載至另一處國內機場,再轉機飛D3360泰北會場。

2) D3360 泰北會場

D3360 DG Nithi Soongswang伉儷暨團隊 接機歡迎。


3) 2018/05/13 返回台灣

立者: D3350 PDG Chaivai (2015-16), Jim pp, Print P

坐者  IPDG Jason (2016-17) , DGE ,  PDG Prawit (2013-14)

D3350 PDG Prawit 伉儷歡送






———- Forwarded message ———-
From: BV5AF <bv5af73@gmail.com>
Date: 2018-04-04 16:47 GMT+08:00
Subject: Fwd: MOU GG 1863858
To: RC彰化中區 <centrc@ctarl.org.tw>, R_Jim趙志能 <jim@kingsun.ca>, “R.Print黃郁國” <wish-print@wish-print.com.tw>, RC彰化松柏 <evgr@ms77.hinet.net>, R_King金明寬 <a586507@gmail.com>, 3462DG1718 <3462dg1718@gmail.com>, “R.Ortho.Shie謝明憲” <tonyhsieh108@yahoo.com.tw>, “bv5af(ct)林伯龍” <bv5af@ctarl.org.tw>

敬致 彰化分區10社社友們,

與泰北D3360合作 全球獎助金 GG1863858,已近完成。

將於 2018/05/03-09舉行 驗收完工,並繳交結案報告。

敬邀 組團前往 泰北 D3360 參加完工紀念大會。

(另附 飛機班次 供參考)

[ PDG Doctor P-J Lin, 2018/04/04]

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From: Nithi 3360 <nithi.soongswang@gmail.com>
Date: 2018-04-04 15:37 GMT+08:00
Subject: Re: MOU GG 1863858
To: BV5AF <bv5af73@gmail.com>

Dear PDG Po-Jung Lin: Rotary club of Changhwa Central, Rtn.Chih-Neng Chao: Rotary club of Changhwa Central, Rtn.Po-Ching Chen: Rotary club of Changhwa Evergreen; Rtn. Ming-KuanChin: Rotary club of ChanghuaGenesis;Rtn. Ming-Hsien Hsieh: Rotary club of Tyan Chung

Dear Rotarians : Rotary club of Baguashan, Changhwa Central, Changhwa Evergreen, Changhwa Hwang Jia, Changhwa Northwest, Changhua Smile, Changhwa South, Changhua Genesis, Lukang, Lukang East

On behalf of D3360 and Rotary club of Nan, my partner Salaithip and I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for helping us make GG1863858 Palliative Care and Home Care grant application a success.

We am pleased to invite you and your team to join the Global Grant Ceremony for GG1863858 Palliative Care and Home Care to a donate the palliative care equipments. We have set its schedule to be around May 3 to 9 2018. We would like to complete this activity with all of our partners who play important roles in this Global Grant. Please let me know which dates are very convenient for you so we can make arrangements.

The venue of the said ceremony will be at Nan Hospital which is located in Nan City. Nan is a town in northern Thailand. It is 668 km north of Bangkok. Air Asia and Nok Air are the airlines that fly to Nan every day.(Flight schedule attached)

Please relay this email to Rtn.Chih-NengChao: Rotary club of Changhwa Central,   Rtn.Po-Ching Chen: Rotary club of Changhwa Evergreen; Rtn.Ming-KuanChin: Rotary club of ChanghuaGenesis; Rtn. Ming-Hsien Hsieh: Rotary club of Tyan Chung

and Rotarians: Rotary club of Baguashan, Changhwa Central, Changhwa Evergreen, Changhwa Hwang Jia, Changhwa Northwest, Changhua Smile, Changhwa South, Changhua Genesis, Lukang, Lukang East

We look forward to having you all join with our global grant project partners in the said ceremony. We are also excited to welcome you to experience Thai culture for our Rotary Culture Exchange Program.


DG NithiSoongswang; D3360

Nan Flight Schedule


By D3462 DRFC. PDG Doctor

Payment Notification for Grant: DG1860728

Rotary Global Grant GG1863858: Application approved

Rotary Global Grant GG1863858: Application approved

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From: Cathleen Evans <Cathleen.Evans@rotary.org>
Date: 2018-02-23 1:30 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1863858: Application approved
To: jim@kingsun.ca, Vlove_mm@hotmail.com
Cc: surasakd3360@gmail.com, busabong7144@gmail.com, ratnan311@gmail.com, ortho@rctc.org.tw, bv5af73@gmail.com, bv5afg@gmail.com, e8755556@seed.net.tw, Elizabeth.Miller@rotary.org

Dear Rotarians:

Congratulations! Your global grant application to help provide medical equipment for in-home and hospital treatment and support of palliative care patients as well as community outreach on palliative care associated with Nan Hospital in Nan Province, Thailand submitted by Rotary Club Nan and Rotary Club District 3462, has been approved by The Rotary Foundation. The award is in the amount of $41,500.

This letter serves as formal notification of your grant approval and explains what you must do to receive grant payment. It also contains important information for grant-funded travelers and links to additional resources.

Moving forward, my colleague Elizabeth Miller will assist you with the payment requirements process, including how to provide bank account information in the online system and confirming cash contributions. If you have any questions about your payment or providing cash contributions, Elizabeth can be reached Elizabeth.Miller@rotary.org  and +1 (847)-866-3096

Grant payment
To receive payment, please complete these steps:

  1. Provide account information for the global grant bank account
  2. Name two Rotarian signatories for the global grant bank account
  3. Confirm all cash contributions

Once the above steps have been completed, you can expect to receive your grant payment in approximately two weeks. Grant payments are made based on the current Rotary International exchange rate at the time of payment.

Read on to learn more about each step:

1. Provide account information
With your grant partner, determine an appropriate location for the bank account that will receive payment from the Foundation. Sign in to My Rotary and navigate to the Grant Center to provide account information for the global grant bank account.

2. Name signatories
In the Grant Center designate two Rotarians who will act as signatories, overseeing payments made from the global grant bank account. Account signatories must be members of the sponsoring club or district.

3. Confirm cash contributions
Confirm all cash contributions that were committed for the financing of the global grant. Contributions can be confirmed in one of two ways:

  1. Send the contributions to the Foundation. Use this contribution form to submit all cash contributions for your grant to the Foundation. Be sure to note the global grant number on the form. For faster service, click here to submit contributions online. Send any cash contributions as quickly as possible to reduce currency fluctuations between the time of contribution and time of payment. Note: In alignment with the Foundation’s funding model, if the grant application was submitted on or after 1 July 2015, you must contribute an additional 5 percent for cash contributions made to the Foundation to help offset processing and administrative costs.
  2. Send the contributions directly to the global grant bank account. If cash contributions are sent directly to the global grant bank account, send confirmation of their deposit to the Foundation by supplying appropriate documentation (for example, a copy of a deposit slip or a current bank statement). Note: Paul Harris Fellow recognition is not awarded for contributions sent directly to the grant bank account. Contributions sent directly to the grant bank account do not need to include the additional 5 percent.

Travel arrangements, insurance coverage and pre-departure orientation

  • Travelers are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. They may work with Rotary International Travel Service (RITS) or make arrangements on their own. Review the grant travel page of the Rotary website to learn more.
  • Travelers are responsible for obtaining their own travel insurance, which may be purchased with grant funds. Review the grant travel insurance page of the Rotary website to learn more.
  • All travelers should participate in an orientation prior to their departure. Grant sponsors may provide the orientation themselves, or travelers can complete an online orientation available in the Learning Center.

Additional resources
Guide to Global Grants
Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants
Rotary International Payment Guidelines (with instructions by country)
Rotary International Payment Guidelines: Frequently Asked Questions and Definitions

Warm regards,


……………………………..Cathleen Evans
Regional Grants Officer | Rotary Grants
Tel. +1.847.866.3308

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