Minutes of the ARDF WG meetings 2017

Minutes of the ARDF WG meetings 2017

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Yoh Hiroshi Izuta (JF1RPZ/JN3TMW) <jf1rpz@jarl.com>
Date: 2017-09-22 13:56 GMT+08:00
Subject: Fw: Minutes of the ARDF WG meetings 2017
To: “9M2CJ Thiam C.Ming” <cmthiam@gmail.com>, BA1HAM Chen Ping <BA1HAM@126.com>, BD1AZ B_SRRC_Yin Hu <yinh@srrc.org.cn>, BD1AZ Yin Hu <crac_intl@126.com>, BG1DO_Liu Tao <crsa@263.net>, BV5AF Bolon Lin <bv5af@ms1.hinet.net>, CRSA <crsa_china@126.com>, “DS3EXT, Kim Duckee” <ham599@hanmail.net>, HL4CFN Choi <hl4cfn@kt.com>, HS1ASC Thida Denpruektham <thidad1@gmail.com>, JT1CS Bat-Erdene Zevgee <jt1cs@mrsf.mn>, “K0OV. Joe Moell” <homingin@aol.com>, “VK3WWW John (Jack) Bramham” <vk3www@alphalink.com.au>, ZL1TGC Henderson <vaughanh@ww.co.nz>, ZL1VH Vaughan Henderson <vaughanh@vodafone.co.nz>, ä p Fäď ŹF <churngjoutsai@gmail.com>, JG2GFX Ichiro Tanemura <jg2gfx@ybb.ne.jp>
Cc: “HL1AQQ Prof. Rhee” <hl1aqq@yahoo.co.kr>, HL1DK Lee Namkyu <whitepeak@empal.com>, IARU Region 3 <secretary@iaru-r3.org>, KARL HQ <hl0hq@hanmail.net>

Dear IARU Reg.3 ARDF Committee members,

Please find bellow meeting minutes of IARU Reg.1 ARDF WG.
Especially, please check Appendix I in 39th meeting minutes,
together with agenda #13 in the same minutes.

It describes ARDF rule change in 2018.

Also you can find future ARDF international event allocations.

Best regards,

/_____________ GL 73 es 88 TU SK _____________/
      Chairman of IARU Reg.3 ARDF Committee
      Yoh Hiroshi Izuta   Tokyo JAPAN (another QTH: Kobe)
      jf1rpz@jarl.com   hiroshi.izuta@nifty.com

Forwarded by “Yoh Hiroshi Izuta (JF1RPZ/JN3TMW)” <jf1rpz@jarl.com>
———————– Original Message ———————–
 From:    Jiri Marecek <marecek@ok2bwn.cz>
 To:      “Yoh Hiroshi Izuta (JF1RPZ/JN3TMW)” <jf1rpz@jarl.com>,
          Dale Hunt WB6BYU <wb6byu@arrl.net>
 Date:    Tue, 19 Sep 2017 09:24:30 +0200
 Subject: Minutes of the ARDF WG meetings 2017

Dear friends,

please find attached minutes from the 39th and 40th IARU Region 1 ARDF
WG Plenary Meetings (approved versions).

Updated versions of the IARU R1 ARDF Rules (valid from January 1st, 2018)
  will be sent after the approval of the General Conference.

Best ARDF regards/73!

Jiri, OK2BWN
IARU Region 1 ARDF WG Chairman

——————— Original Message Ends ——————–
2017_39th ARDF WG Plenary Meeting Minutes

2017_40th ARDF WG Plenary_minutes