2018 Council on Resolutions Certification of Proposed Resolution

2018 Council on Resolutions Certification of Proposed Resolution

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From: Council Services <noreply@qualtrics-survey.com>
Date: 2018-04-13 0:23 GMT+08:00
Subject: 2018 Council on Resolutions Certification of Proposed Resolution
To: bv5af@ms1.hinet.net

Dear Rotarian Lin,

Thank you for submitting your proposed resolution to Rotary International.

Your district governor will receive a separate email asking them to certify your district’s endorsement. The general secretary will then review the resolution to ensure that it has been endorsed by the district, certified by the governor, and has arrived by the 30 June 2018 deadline. If we have any questions about the resolution we will contact you at bv5af@ms1.hinet.net.

If you have questions about Rotary’s legislative process or the Council on Resolutions, please email Council Services at  council_services@rotary.org .
Best regards,
Sarah Christensen

Sarah Christensen
Supervisor | Council Services

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL | One Rotary Center | 1560 Sherman Ave. | Evanston, IL 60201 USA

Recipient Data: 
Time Finished: 2018-04-12 11:23:03 CDT
ResponseID: R_1ODkYKnW7ZghDOB
Link to View Results: Click Here
URL to View Results: https://rotary.qualtrics.com/CP/Report.php?SID=SV_b9g5IaU0wvv6ORn&R=R_1ODkYKnW7ZghDOB

Response Summary:

Be sure to include the following with each proposed resolution:
Name of proposing club or district
District endorsement
Text of proposed resolution
Optional Purpose and Effect Statement

This resolution was proposed by
District   3462
If proposed by a club, club name or number   Changhwa Central RC, 16407

To submit a proposed resolution, please use the resolution entry form below. Use only the number of whereas statements that you need, the rest may remain blank. Your resolved statement should be entered on the last line.
WHEREAS,   to be a chairperson of district committee,
IT IS RESOLVED   who should be a past club President.

Statement of Purpose and Effect   The proposer may include a statement of purpose and effect not to exceed 300 words. The statement should identify the issue that the proposed resolution seeks to address and explain how the proposed resolution addresses the issue.
for getting better relationships and working smoothly among district committees and clubs.

Endorsement by District This proposed resolution was considered and endorsed through:
an annual district conference

Please provide the following information
Conference or council date(s)   2018/03/18
City, state/province, country   Taichung, Taiwan

Certification Who is submitting the proposed resolution?
Other — DRFC 3462

For verification, please enter your name and email information.
First Name   Po-Jung
Last Name   Lin
Email   bv5af@ms1.hinet.net

The current governor must confirm that each proposed resolution submitted by or on behalf of clubs in District 3462 has been endorsed by the district. Once the proposed resolution is submitted, the governor will receive an email with a copy of the proposed resolution. They will then reply to this email at council_services@rotary.org to confirm that the information submitted is correct and that the district has endorsed the legislation.   Please enter your district governor’s email address:
Governor’s Email   tonyhsieh108@yahoo.com.tw

I certify that the clubs of District 3462 have endorsed the proposed resolution in accordance with RI Bylaws 8.040.

Council on Resolutions – Results _ 2017/11/21

Council on Resolutions – Results

Council on Resolutions – Results

The Council on Resolutions meets online each year. Representatives from all of Rotary’s districts vote on resolutions that clubs, districts, the RI Board, and the General Council or Conference of RIBI have proposed. The RI Board of Directors will consider all resolutions that the Council adopts. .


2017 Council on Resolutions: 15-Oct to 15-Nov

Item No. Resolution Results
17R-01 To request the RI Board to consider recommending that each club have a strategic planning committee
17R-02 To request the RI Board to consider recommending that all club meetings begin with The Four-Way Test
17R-03 To request the RI Board to consider requiring a minimum of 20 members in each club
17R-04 To request the RI Board to consider retaining original membership information for returning members
17R-05 To request the RI Board to consider that terminated clubs secure endorsement from the district
17R-06 To request the RI Board to consider researching the impact of club flexibility
17R-07 To request the RI Board to consider releasing information on the pilot programs
17R-08 To request the RI Board to consider proposing legislation to a future Council to create regional Rotary club constitutions
17R-09 To request the RI Board to consider establishing a regional decision-making body in Japan
17R-10 To request the RI Board to consider reaffirming the Object of Rotary
17R-11 To request the RI Board to consider adding a fifth part to The Four-Way Test
17R-12 To request the RI Board to consider proposing legislation to a future Council adding core values and mission of Rotary
17R-13 To request the RI Board to consider emphasizing the sequence of the five core values
17R-14 To request the RI Board to consider clarifying the relationships between Rotary’s guiding principles
17R-15 To request the RI Board to consider defining “service”
17R-16 To request the RI Board to consider supporting ecologically-sustainable initiatives
17R-17 To request the Trustees to consider adding sustainable development and environmental protection as an area of focus
17R-18 To request the RI Board to consider recognizing EarlyAct clubs
17R-19 To request the RI Board to consider officially recognizing Rotary Kids
17R-20 To request the RI Board to consider raising the Rotaract age limit to 35
17R-21 To request the RI Board to consider revising the Rotaract club certification form
17R-22 To request the RI Board to consider designating a Magazine Month
17R-23 To request the Trustees to consider including a water project application template in the global grant application
17R-24 To request the Trustees to consider allowing arts and culture global grants
17R-25 To request the Trustees to consider securing a status report before sending club donations
17R-26 To request the RI Board to consider restoring the Manual of Procedure white pages
17R-27 To request the RI Board to consider amending the Recommended Club Bylaws to eliminate club fees
17R-28 To request the RI Board to consider publishing a record of the deliberations of the Council
17R-29 To request the RI Board to consider disclosing its deliberative process on enactments that are referred to the RI Board
17R-30 To request the RI Board to consider sending the five-year financial forecast prior to the Council
17R-31 To request the RI Board to consider not increasing Rotary’s per capita dues at the 2019 Council
17R-32 To request the RI Board to consider proposing legislation to a future Council to provide for variable dues by country
17R-33 To request the RI Board to consider basing future budgets on a scenario of reducing RI dues to US$50
17R-34 To request the RI Board to consider proposing legislation to a future Council to decrease RI per capita dues for Rotaractors
17R-35 To request the RI Board to consider proposing legislation to a future Council to revise the governance structure
17R-36 To request the RI Board to consider adding editorial marks to updated versions of the Rotary Code of Policies
17R-37 To request the RI Board to consider publishing the annual presidential theme in Hindi
17R-38 To request the RI Board to consider training Council representatives on how to use voting equipment

[ by D3462 DRFC, District Trainer, PDG Doctor P-J Lin, 2017/11/21 ]


17R-01 To request the RI Board to consider recommending that each club have a strategic planning committee_0
17R-04 To request the RI Board to consider retaining original membership information for returning members
17R-05 To request the RI Board to consider that terminated clubs secure endorsement from the district
17R-06 To request the RI Board to consider researching the impact of club flexibility
17R-07 To request the RI Board to consider releasing information on the pilot programs
17R-10 To request the RI Board to consider reaffirming the Object of Rotary
17R-12 To request the RI Board to consider proposing legislation to a future Council adding core values and mission of Rotary
17R-16 To request the RI Board to consider supporting ecologically-sustainable initiatives
17R-17 To request the Trustees to consider adding sustainable development and environmental protection as an area of focus
17R-21 To request the RI Board to consider revising the Rotaract club certification form
17R-23 To request the Trustees to consider including a water project application template in the global grant application
17R-29 To request the RI Board to consider disclosing its deliberative process on enactments that are referred to the RI Board
17R-30 To request the RI Board to consider sending the five-year financial forecast prior to the Council
17R-36 To request the RI Board to consider adding editorial marks to updated versions of the Rotary Code of Policies
17R-37 To request the RI Board to consider publishing the annual presidential theme in Hindi
17R-38 To request the RI Board to consider training Council representatives on how to use voting equipment