The story of two transgender children – BBC News

The story of two transgender children – BBC News
For most parents, their child’s move to secondary school is a big moment which requires planning, even more so for those with transgender children. The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme has been following two of the UK’s youngest trans children for the last two-and-a-half years


Inside London’s Chinatown (360 video) – BBC News


What does changing Chinese cuisine tell us about changing China? In collaboration with The Food Chain on the BBC World Service and The Food Programme on BBC Radio 4, cook and food writer Fuchsia Dunlop takes us on a tour inside London’s Chinatown. This video is an introduction for special programme between The Food Chain on the BBC World Service and The Food Programme on BBC Radio 4 about Chinatowns around the world.
360 video must be viewed in Chrome desktop or through the YouTube app on mobile devices.
Listen to our full episodes on Chinatown here:
The Food Chain on the BBC World Service here:
The Food Programme on BBC Radio 4 here:


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