全球獎助金 台中南屯社申請案 GG1861177,因提供資料不足,回歸 草稿Draft 階段

全球獎助金 台中南屯社申請案 GG1861177,因提供資料不足,回歸 草稿Draft 階段
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From: BV5AF <bv5af73@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-09-26 3:46 GMT+08:00
Subject: Fwd: Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Application Returned to Draft
To: 3462DG1718 <3462dg1718@gmail.com>, R_Jim趙志能 <jim@kingsun.ca>, “R.Ortho.Shie謝明憲” <tonyhsieh108@yahoo.com.tw>, R_Toij陳俊仁 <toij1105@yahoo.com.tw>

台中南屯社申請案 GG1861177,因提供資料不足,被退件,回歸 草稿Draft 階段;要補件_補充說明。

PDG Doctor 2017/09/26

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From: Callie Czerkie <Callie.Czerkie@rotary.org>
Date: 2017-09-26 3:15 GMT+08:00
Subject: Rotary Global Grant GG1861177: Application Returned to Draft
To: honbu@kom-medical.co.jp, bv5af73@gmail.com, bv5afg@gmail.com, hasegawa@admic.co.jp, ortho@rctc.org.tw, shinbok@ruby.ocn.ne.jp, n-kucho@po.sphere.ne.jp, steven@hartford.com.tw, s-tomy@arumo-gr.co.jp

Dear Rotarians:

Greetings from Evanston! I hope you are well. Please note that I have returned this application to draft status as there is currently not enough information within the application to evaluate it for approval. I encourage you to provide significantly more information about the project including details about any training that is taking place.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Callie Czerkie

台中南屯社 GG1861177 2017/09/29內容: