RI D-3181 District Conference (2018/01/26-28)

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From: Ishwara Bhat <ishwarabhatm@yahoo.com>
Date: 2017-12-20 21:42 GMT+08:00
Subject: District 3181 Conference
To: “bv5af@ms1.hinet.net” <bv5af@ms1.hinet.net>, Suresh Chengappa <sureshchengappa@gmail.com>
Cc: “Karumbaiah M. S.” <mohanms@yahoo.com>

Dear Past District Governor Po-Jung Lin,

Our District Governor Suresh Chengappa and all of us at the District Secretariat of District 3181 are delighted to receive an e- mail from the R.I.President conveying us his invitation to you to represent R.I President Ian H.S.Risely and Ann Juliet in the forthcoming District Conference to be held on 26th , 27th and 28th January 2018 at Madikeri.

We will be pleased to have you with us here during our District Conference.

R.I District 3181 is a unique District starting from the City of Mangalore, a port city touching the Arabian Sea and stretching beyond Chamarajanagar and covering the green hills and coffee plantations in between.  In fact, Madikeri is a tiny city which is almost at the centre of the RI District 3181. Madikeri is the capital of Kodagu District. During the recent past the it has been attracting lots of tourist and has become most sought-after hill resort.

We welcome you to our place.  Your presence in the District Conference will definitely Make A Difference.

Nearest International Airports to Madikeri are Mangalore ( 135 kms)  and Bangalore (250 kms)

We will be in touch with you as regards other matters.

Warm Regards
CA M.Ishwara Bhat
District Secretary (Admn) – 2017-2018
Partner Bal & Bhimeshwar
Chartered Accountants
‘Kripa’ Chickpet
Madikeri-571201 Ph-08272-225838/229229 M: +91-9448106028


BV5AF bv5af73@gmail.com

附件12月21日 (8 天前)

寄給 Sooryanarayana、 Ishwara、 Suresh、 Karumbaiah
Dear District Secretary Ishwara Bhat,
It’s my pleasure to receive your message, it’s very much appreciated.
I have sent 2 messages to D3181 DG, but, unfortunately have yet to receive a response.
I have received a reply from DRFC Dr Sooryanarayana K., so many thanks to him.
I have some questions listed below that I hope you can help with:
1) I need get more information about the flight and transport arrangements. I can fly directly to Delhi, then I don’t know how to get your city’s nearest airport.
2) When should I get to your city? 25th January or earlier ?
3) Please show me your District’s updated information as per the file attached.
4) Please kindly show me about your district’s TRF giving/contributions/DDF conditions.
5) Where can I visit regarding your grants/communities services achievements?
Po-Jung Lin, ( Bolon Lin)
D3462 PDG  ( 2013-14 D3460 DG)
D3462 DRFC, District Trainer

Download (DOC, 50KB)


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From: Ishwara Bhat <ishwarabhatm@yahoo.com>
Date: 2017-12-28 22:06 GMT+08:00
Subject: Re: District 3181 Conference
To: BV5AF <bv5af73@gmail.com>, Suresh Chengappa <sureshchengappa@gmail.com>

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your detailed mail. At the same time sorry for a delayed reply.
As far as your travel is concerned, you may travel to Delhi as mentioned by you.  You may even try to fly to Bangalore, if you have direct flights to Bangalore/Bengaluru.  If you land in Delhi you may have to travel by domestic flight to Bangalore ( about 3 hrs) from there and travel by road to our place ( about 5 hrs.).
Though we have Mangalore as the nearest International Airport, there are no direct flights from your place or from Delhi.
The dates and the detailed programs will be mailed to you within a day or two after I sit and discuss with the District Governor.
We will arrange to send other details asked for also in due course.
Hoping to have your wonderful company during the conference.
Warm Regards
CA M.Ishwara Bhat
Partner Bal & Bhimeshwar
Chartered Accountants
‘Kripa’ Chikpet
Ph-08272-225838/229229 M: +91-9448106028

RI President’s Representative Invitation from President Riseley _ 2017/12/06

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From: Presidential Services <Presidential.Services@rotary.org>
Date: 2017-12-06 6:11 GMT+08:00
Subject: RI President’s Representative Invitation from President Riseley
To: “bv5af@ms1.hinet.net” <bv5af@ms1.hinet.net>
Cc: Presidential Services <Presidential.Services@rotary.org>

Past District Governor Po-Jung Lin


Dear Po-Jung,


Juliet and I think the role of the President’s Representative at a district conference is an extremely important one. It is my favourite job in all of Rotary.


In many cases, a district conference is the only opportunity for members to meet a knowledgeable, dedicated Rotarian from a different part of the world, and I take this role very seriously indeed.  Much as Juliet and I would like to attend every district conference, it is clearly impossible for us to do so. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we invite you and Po-Ching to represent us at the conference for District 3181. The conference will be held at the following location and dates:


Madikeri, Karnataka, India

26-Jan-2018 through 28-Jan-2018


We ask that you meet as many Rotarians and spouses as possible, inspire and motivate the participants, provide information about me, my theme, and special Rotary programs and emphases during the year, as well as share a wide range of information about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation.


In particular, I would like you to mention the following innovations and emphases for the 2017/18 year:


  • My wish for clubs to have at least one tree planted for every member, to demonstrate that Rotarians care for the environment.
  • My request that all Rotary clubs provide Rotary International with information on the money and hours contributed by the club in charitable activities for the full 2017/18 year.
  • The need for us to lower the average age of Rotarians and improve the diversity of our club membership.
  • How important it is that we maintain an ethical approach to all matters, because that is what differentiates Rotarians from other groups.
  • The revamped Presidential citation, which should enable effective clubs to qualify.
  • That the Rotary International convention in Toronto in June 2018 will be a great event.


Rotary International Travel Service (RITS) will book your transportation to the conference.  To utilize Rotary’s funds most effectively, please note that I expect my representatives to be very prudent with any other costs they incur, in accordance with our Code of Policies.   Please keep this in mind when considering your acceptance of this assignment.


Please also be advised that your contribution at the conference will be evaluated not just by the District Governor, but also by members of the Clubs in the District, by virtue of a new online tool developed by us.


I anticipate hearing only good reviews since we selected you because you have the ability to inspire, lead by example, and deliver a fantastic Rotary message. We think you can demonstrate Rotary: Making A Difference in a very meaningful way.


Please respond using My Rotary. Step-by-step instructions are attached for your easy reference. You will also be able to access background information to help you prepare for this assignment immediately upon acceptance in My Rotary. If you are unable to respond in this manner, please contact Senior Leader Support staff at presidential.services@rotary.org. Thank you for your ongoing efforts in the name of Rotary.  It shows that we do Make a Difference.




Ian H.S. Riseley

President, Rotary International 2017-18


RIPR-Instructions_My Rotary_Pres Rep Invitation Guide_EN