2018/03/10 D3462 2018-19 AG & DTTS TRF pptx,
by D3462 DRFC chair, District Trainer, PDG Doctor P-J Lin.
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DTTS _ 2017/11/30 Taipei Rotary Institute 台北地帶會議
Learn by Role _ Trainer (Rotary International)
Our club and district trainers are essential in developing leaders. They share their experience and provide the skills that help Rotarians excel.
To keep up to date on the latest training information, sign up for the Rotary Training Talk newsletter.
Club trainer
As a club trainer you work with club leaders to create training programs that support your club. You may also work with the district training committee, assistant governor, and governor.
Use these resources to help your club thrive and develop members into future club leaders:
- Be a Vibrant Club: Your Club Leadership Plan plus presentation and worksheet
- Leadership in Action: Your Guide to Starting a Program
- Leadership in Action Leader’s Guide
District trainer
As a district trainer you support the governor-elect by training incoming club and district leaders. You support the governor by providing continuing education for Rotarians. You also chair the district training committee.
Training for incoming club leaders
If you’re training incoming club leaders you’ll conduct a series of training meetings. Each meeting has a recommended but flexible timeframe and curriculum based on the needs of participants.
- Presidents-elect training seminar teaches incoming presidents about their role and how to work with assistant governors in setting their goals. Use the Presidents-elect Training Seminar Leaders’ Guide.
- District training assembly helps presidents-elect build on the leadership skills they obtained at their training seminar, while incoming club leaders learn their new roles. Club leadership teams refine their goals for the year. Use the District Training Assembly Leaders’ Guide.
- District membership seminar prepares club and district leaders for membership activities including attracting and engaging members.
Training for club leaders and members
- District Rotary Foundation seminar educates club Rotary Foundation chairs and other members about The Rotary Foundation and how to support and promote it. Use the District Rotary Foundation Seminar Leader’s Guide and Lead Your District: Rotary Foundation Committee Manual.
- Grant management seminar trains presidents-elect or designated club appointees on how to successfully manage Rotary grants. Use the Grant Management Seminar Leaders’ Guide.
- Rotaract district leadership training informs emerging Rotaract leaders, Rotarians, and non-Rotarians about the benefits of Rotaract. Use the Guide for District Rotaract Representatives.
- District leadership seminar highlights various leadership opportunities in Rotary for current and past club leaders. Use the District Leadership Seminar Guide.
- District public image seminar trains club leaders on strategies they can use to improve Rotary’s public image. Use the District Public Image Seminar Guide.
- District conference gives Rotarians a chance to meet new friends, hear inspirational stories, and discuss important matters to clubs and Rotary International. Use the District Conference Manual.
Training for district leaders
- District team training seminar prepares assistant governors and district committee leaders for their roles and provides an opportunity to work on their district goals. Use the District Team Training Seminar Leaders’ Guide and slides.
Zone-level trainer
As a zone-level trainer you prepare district leaders for their year of service.
- Governors-elect training seminar prepares the incoming class of governors to successfully lead their district. At this regional meeting, governors-elect discuss effective strategies in their regions. Use the Governors-elect Training Seminar Leaders’ Guide.
- Governors-nominee training seminar helps governors-nominee begin preparing for their role as district governor. At this regional meeting, participants discuss effective planning strategies and best practices. Use the Governors-nominee Training Seminar Leaders’ Guide and participant workbook.
- District training program focuses on the skills needed to be an effective district trainer and allows district trainers to share their experience and knowledge. Use the District Trainer Seminar Leader’s Guide to prepare participants for their role.
- Rotary institute brings current and past RI officers together to inform them on the latest Rotary developments, including policies and programs. Participants exchange ideas and highlight successful efforts in their zones.
- Regional seminars provide an opportunity for district leaders to learn more about a wide range of topics to share ideas and connect with each other for collaborative service efforts. These seminars are organized by Rotary coordinators.
International Assembly training leader
The RI president-elect appointed you as an International Assembly training leader to use your experience to prepare incoming governors for their year of service.
- International Assembly educates, motivates, and inspires incoming governors to lead clubs in their district. Participants receive hands-on training through plenary sessions, group discussions, networking, and social events. Use the International Assembly Leaders’ Guide.
Resources & reference
- Take a course in the Learning Center
- Check our discussion groups
Rotary support
- District training committee
- District governor and governor-elect
- Regional coordinators
- RI directors