New Generations Service Exchange

New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and young professionals up to age 30.

Participants can design exchanges that combine their professional goals with a humanitarian project.

What are the benefits?

  • Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
  • Learn another language
  • Build your professional skills and gain international experience
  • Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service

What is an exchange like?

With your host Rotary district, you’ll plan activities that can include networking, relationship building, humanitarian service, professional development, and leadership training. Exchanges:

  • Last from a few weeks to six months
  • Can be arranged for individuals or groups
  • Need not be reciprocal

How much does it cost?

Costs vary by Rotary club or district. To reduce expenses, Rotary members often provide homestay options, arrange no-cost internship or job-shadowing programs, and offer other financial assistance.

Contact your local Rotary club to find out what it costs to participate in a New Generations Service Exchange.

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How do I apply?

University students and professionals up to age 30 — including current and former Rotaractors and former Interactors, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards participants, and Youth Exchange students — are encouraged to apply. You don’t have to be a member of Rotary to participate in an exchange.

Although each Rotary club determines its own eligibility criteria, all participants should demonstrate a strong commitment to service and the ideals of Rotary. Contact your local Rotary club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

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Can I host a New Generations Service Exchange participant?

Hosting a New Generations Service Exchange participant brings an international experience directly into your home and can be incredibly rewarding. Host families provide room and board and share their lives with exchange participants, involving them in family, community, professional, and cultural activities. Contact your local Rotary club to see how you can become a host family.

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