RI Protocol 扶輪禮儀 (RI RCP 2018.01)

RI Protocol 扶輪禮儀 (RI COP 2018/01版)
26.060. Rotary Protocol

The following order of protocol is recommended for introducing, presenting, and seating all current, past, and future officers of RI and its Foundation, committee members, and their spouses at all RI meetings, functions, and receiving lines, and for listing in all RI publications:

President (or president’s representative)
Past presidents (in order of seniority)
President-elect President-nominee
Executive committee chair
Other directors
Trustee chair
Trustee chair-elect
Trustee vice-chair
Other trustees
General secretary
Past directors (in order of seniority)
Past trustees (in order of seniority)
Incoming trustees Directors-nominee
Past general secretaries (in order of seniority)

President, immediate past president, vice-president, and honorary treasurer of RIBI

District governors
Past district governors (in order of seniority)

Rotary coordinators, Rotary public image coordinators, regional Rotary Foundation coordinators and endowment/major gifts advisers

District governors-elect
District governors-nominee

At Rotary functions, officers should be addressed according to protocol only once with spouses included at the time of introduction. Individuals holding more than one office or past office, shall be ranked by the highest current or past office held.

After the recommended order of protocol above, the following additional order of protocol is recommended and should be modified to fit local customs and practice:

Regional and zone-level committees members
Assistant governors
District secretaries/treasurers
District committee members
Club presidents
Club presidents-elect
Club vice-presidents
Club secretaries
Club treasurers
Club sergeants-at-arms
Other club board members
Club committee chairs
Past assistant governors
Rotary alumni
Rotarians’ families

At district meetings, Rotarians visiting from a foreign country may be placed before local Rotarians of the same rank, as a courtesy.

High-ranking non-Rotarians may be given precedence in ranking according to local custom. Clubs and districts are encouraged to advise guests if protocol places Rotarians before non-Rotarians. (October 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 38)

Source: July 1995 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 23; Amended by May 2000 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 412; November 2005 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 103; February 2006 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 133; June 2010 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 251; January 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 137; May 2011 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 182; January 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 83; October 2014 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 38

The Original documents for your reference:

RI COP (2018/01)


( By D3462 DRFC . PDG Doctor P-J Lin, 2017/11/12 )

泰國國際扶輪3360地區的全球贈款計劃 ” Palliative Care Project”

泰國國際扶輪3360地區的全球贈款計劃 ” Palliative Care Project”

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: prawit3350 . <prawit3350@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-09-05 0:47 GMT+08:00
Subject: 泰國國際扶輪3360地區的全球贈款計劃 ” Palliative Care Project”
To: bv5af73@gmail.com, D3460 PDG Lin Po-Jung <bv5af@ms1.hinet.net>
Cc: Nithi <vlove_mm@hotmail.com>, nithi.soongswang@gmail.com, Prawit Rojkajonnapalai <prawit3350@gmail.com>



有關泰國北方3360地區,2017-18年總監 DG. Nithi  Soong-swang 要求您的幫忙協助,他社 Rotary club of Nan 全球贈款計劃 Global Grant project 的合作基金15,000.-DDF。雖然我是3350地區的前總監,但因為他們夫婦的性格,一向來對我們扶輪社的一切事務特別熱情合作和支持,他們的卓越友情,令人好感。同時這個人類計劃的目的地是為了損助泰國北方的一些落後以及貧窮的社區,大部份是山上的少數民族,有苗族,傜族,蒙族等等。他們不只是生活艱苦,還短缺了一切基礎的醫療服務,當地的小醫院又缺乏了很多主要的醫療設備,我本人才決心幫他找尋一個好好的國際伙伴 International partner來完成這個全球贈款計劃。

  1. Nithi  Soong-swang已經送來簡單計劃說明如下;

全球贈款計劃名:” Palliative Care Project”

主要內容: ” Palliative Care Project”  In this project we plan to donate health care equipment such as oxygen concentrator, anti-bedsore mattresses and sputum suctions to the hospitals in my district. My district has 68 clubs in 14 provinces in the Northern part of Thailand. We plan to donate such equipment to the main hospital in each of these provinces. This project aims to help the indigent patients from these hospitals by allowing them to borrow such equipment so that they can use it in their homes for their convenience until they are no longer suffering from their illness. Aside from the indigent patients. The hospital personel and some Rotarian in charge will keep track of the equipment and will choose the patients who are deserve to avail this project.


This project also aims to help smaller hospitals that lack equipments by allowing them to borrow for their patients.

We have successfully done this kind of project in my club after my term as the president of the rotary club of Nan. Its results have inspired me so much to do this kind of project in my whole district. I believe that with your help and support this will be possible and successful.

捐贈 :

1.Oxygen concentrator
2.Anti bedsore mattress
3.Sputum suction

國際伙伴International partner ,Club and contact person :由貴方幫助安排。

需要的合作基金 :15,000.-DDF

主辦社 Host club : Rotary club of Nan ,District 3360 RI.

3360地區現年總監DG. Nithi  Soong-swang 的家社(Home club) .

Phone : (66)8 1881 1139
E-mail   :   vlove_mm@hotmail.com ,  nithi.soongswang@gmail.com
Website :  www.rotary3360.net
Nan 55000,Thailand

Host  primary contact : Rotary Club of Nan   ,PP. Witaya Jongpasartsuk
ID number 1412163


李廷接 (PDG.Prawit)
