[Roar-members] Latest ROAR Communicator – CORRECTED – Now Online – November 2017

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From: ROAR Webmaster <webmaster@ifroar.org>
Date: 2017-11-16 13:04 GMT+08:00
Subject: [Roar-members] Latest ROAR Communicator – CORRECTED – Now Online – November 2017
To: roar-members@ifroar.org

Good Morning ROAR members.

Pertti EA7GSU has noted that some graphics were missing from his article and has provided us with the missing graphics which have now been included in the copy of the Communicator now online. Please take the time to re-look at his article.

Many thanks to all the contributors. If you have something you wish to have included in the next Communicator, now is the time – send it to the Editor now.

You can view the latest Communicator by going to our website at www.ifroar.org, or by clicking on the direct link below:

Please acknowledge the efforts of those who compiled your latest Communicator.



Bill Main, VK4ZD

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