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Dear fellow Rotarians,
For 100 years, The Rotary Foundation has been the charity of choice for Rotarians all over the globe. Why? Because your gifts to the Foundation change lives. Without your support, Rotarians wouldn’t have been able to help a hospital in Brazil purchase the equipment it needed to care for tiny newborns. Nor would Rotarians have had the funds they needed to tile bathtubs in Indonesiain an effort to fight dengue fever. We have accomplished so much during our first 100 years, and I am excited to see what the future holds as we embark on The Rotary Foundation’s second century. Everything The Rotary Foundation has achieved is a result of your support. We’ve invested more than $4 billion in life-changing, sustainable projects that have made a real impact in communities near and far, like our ongoing campaign to eradicate polio. For more than three decades, members like you have worked tirelessly to host fundraisers for that campaign, vaccinate children, and raise awareness of polio. As of this writing, only eight polio cases have been reported around the world in 2017. Last year, there were 37 — the year before that, 74. Our hard work is paying off. But we need your continued support to get us across that finish line, so keep raising awareness and keep raising funds. Your efforts will help us continue to protect the world’s children from polio. The countdown to history is on. The centennial year of The Rotary Foundation ended on a high note, and it’s one worth celebrating. Thanks to the support of Rotarians around the world, the Foundation broke records last year, surpassing our fundraising goal by raising $304 million in contributions! Your support makes a lasting impact on our communities because it empowers Rotary members to continue promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies all over the world. It’s been a memorable centennial, and one that has prepared The Rotary Foundation to keep Doing Good in the World for another century. With your continued support, we will. I’d love to hear your thoughts about the future of The Rotary Foundation. Send me a note at paul.netzel@rotary.org. Paul A. Netzel |
email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17
email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17
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From: Steve Lyons
Date: 2017-08-17 4:13 GMT+08:00
Subject: SHARE Carry Forward Amount for District 3462
To: 3462dg1718, bv5af
Cc: alfa, bv5afg, Callie Czerkie
Dear District Governor and DRFC Chair:
All districts will be receiving an email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17. Since your district is new, when you look at the Available DDF by District Report you will see $0.00 for 2014-2015 contributions. Please refer to the “District Transfers” to see the DDF amount redistributed based on the movement of clubs from the old district to your district.
For new districts, the “Carry Forward from 2016-2017” is also $0.00 on the report. The unspent balance from the old district(s) has been redistributed, and an additional district transfer amount is listed.
If you have notified the Foundation, any global grants submitted by an old district that will be funded by your district are listed on the report with “tagged” DDF amounts. You are strongly encouraged to contact your Regional Grants Officer Callie Czerkie to ensure that all of the grants in draft and submitted status with tagged DDF from the old district can be transferred to your new district.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about your district’s DDF balance.
Steve Lyons
SHARE Supervisor | Donor Services and Support
Tel 1.847.866.3362
請問PDG Doctor為什麼Annual Fund要在第三年才能回來使用?
請問PDG Doctor為什麼Annual Fund要在第三年才能回來使用?
Ans: (AF是三年後才回饋,非第三年)
SHARE and District Designated Fund
Through the SHARE system, contributions to The Rotary Foundation are transformed into grants that fund local and international humanitarian projects, scholarships, and activities, such as vocational training teams. At the end of every Rotary year, contributions directed to the Annual Fund-SHARE from all Rotary clubs in the district are divided between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund, or DDF.
At the end of three years, your district can use the DDF to pay for Foundation, club, and district projects that your club and others in the district choose. Districts may use up to half of their DDF to fund district grants. The remaining DDF may be used for global grants or donated to PolioPlus, the Rotary Peace Centers, or another district.
District officers are encouraged to monitor their district’s DDF availability and activity by viewing the SHARE Contribution Detail Report and Available DDF by District Report via their My Rotary account.
1_參考TRF Reference Guide p.8
The Rotary Foundation’s funding cycle makes district contributions
available for use three years after they are received. The three-year
cycle gives districts time to plan projects and activities and allows the
Foundation to invest the contributions.
Your district Rotary Foundation committee decides how to use the
District Designated Funds in consultation with the clubs in the district.
2_參照TRF COP Sept 2017 (p.194)
A_22.010. Allocations The SHARE system has been adopted for the allocation of funds. The current proportion of shared funding will be 50/50 (50 per cent for the District Designated Fund and 50 percent for the World Fund). This proportion may be reviewed and adjusted periodically depending on the future needs of Rotary’s Foundation. (January 2002 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 78)
Source: October 1990 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 29
Amended by October 2001 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 68
B_22.030.2. Annual Fund
A donor who makes a general gift does not specify a use for the funds
a. At the close of each fiscal year, general giving will be totaled by district
b. The general giving totals for each district will be divided into two categories, indicating the actual fund into which they will be placed: the District Designated Fund (50%) and the World Fund (50%)
c. Each district will have a District Designated Fund “account” consisting of the balance of funds available for their designation. Each time a program option is selected by the district, the corresponding required funds will be earmarked for that use and later debited from the “account”
d. Gifts to the World Fund also may be made directly. A gift by a donor in any amount may be designated 100% for the World Fund
Each fund will generate investment earnings (interest, dividends, and realized/unrealized capital gains/losses). These investment earnings will be recorded in a separate account called the “Earned Income Fund”
Together, the District Designated Fund, the World Fund, and the Earned Income Fund will constitute the General Funds of TRF. (January 2002 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 78)
Source: October 1990 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 29
Amended by October 1994 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 26; October 2001 Trustees Mtg., Dec. 68
AF三年後1/2回地區依其解釋是”思考-找尋服務機會”, 當然TRF同時應有短期投資, 雖然是非營利機構, 但仍須維持基本經費供運轉. 另外, 保管委員會經一定程序可更改期限與比率. (僅供參考)