Summary of CTARL ARES (good thru 2017/12/06)

Summary of CTARL ARES (good thru 2017/12/06)



1995年01月17日 – 日本關西大地震-CTARL組織ARES的開始
1995年03月18日 – 支援臺北市政府第一次防震救災演習
1996年06月 – 開始實施「動員日」自辦訓練
1997年03月11日 – 支援臺北市政府第二次防震救災演習
1998年04月26日、5月28日 – 邀政府單位舉辦ARES動員頻率協調會
1999年09月21日 – 投入九二一緊急救災通信
2000年05月 – 舉辦鹿港第一次團體訓練
2000年12月01日 – 衛生署緊急醫療通信ARES志工隊,由署長李明亮正式授旗成軍
2000年12月09日 – ARES志工隊由交通部長葉菊蘭女士於國父紀念館前接受廣場表揚
2002年05月26日 – 彰化鹿港國小訓練
2002年09月01日 – 玉山通信測試
2005年11月26日 – 桃園石門山電信訓練所舉辦第一次基礎訓練課程
2006年12月09日 – 南投日月潭救國團ARES年度訓練
2007年11月01日 – 屏東恆春衛生署南區緊急醫療演習
2007年12月01日 – 南投埔里榮民醫院SSTV訓練
2008年07月05日 – 桃園埔心牧場也外電台架設訓練
2009年08月10日 – 投入八八風災緊急醫療通信
2009年12月12日 – 新北烏來台電訓練所研習會
2010年05月24日 – 太魯閣國家公園中繼測試
2010年12月04日 – 台北劍潭活動中心研習會
2011年12月17日 – 台北劍潭活動中心研習會
2012年12月08日 – 台北劍潭活動中心研習會
2013年11月02日 – 南投草屯衛福部訓練中心研習會
2014年05月24日 – 台北劍潭活動中心研習會
2015年05月02日 – 鹿港文創會館研習會
2016年05月14日 – 新北林口長庚養生村研習會



本周日2017/12/10上午將在北部分會聚會地點,舉辦CTARL的12月份理監事會,會後,擬召開一次小型的ARES討論會,請各位ARESV在這兩天如有好的提議,包括前面各位OM所提的建議,我將一起彙集起來,在星期日當天做個討論,並在本 Line群組上,提供大家參考。


( 余台平 BV2OO, 2017/12/06/Wed. )

CTARL = Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League
ARES = Amateur Radio Emergency Service
ARESV = Amateur Radio Emergency Service Volunteer

RI President’s Representative Invitation from President Riseley _ 2017/12/06

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Presidential Services <>
Date: 2017-12-06 6:11 GMT+08:00
Subject: RI President’s Representative Invitation from President Riseley
To: “” <>
Cc: Presidential Services <>

Past District Governor Po-Jung Lin


Dear Po-Jung,


Juliet and I think the role of the President’s Representative at a district conference is an extremely important one. It is my favourite job in all of Rotary.


In many cases, a district conference is the only opportunity for members to meet a knowledgeable, dedicated Rotarian from a different part of the world, and I take this role very seriously indeed.  Much as Juliet and I would like to attend every district conference, it is clearly impossible for us to do so. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we invite you and Po-Ching to represent us at the conference for District 3181. The conference will be held at the following location and dates:


Madikeri, Karnataka, India

26-Jan-2018 through 28-Jan-2018


We ask that you meet as many Rotarians and spouses as possible, inspire and motivate the participants, provide information about me, my theme, and special Rotary programs and emphases during the year, as well as share a wide range of information about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation.


In particular, I would like you to mention the following innovations and emphases for the 2017/18 year:


  • My wish for clubs to have at least one tree planted for every member, to demonstrate that Rotarians care for the environment.
  • My request that all Rotary clubs provide Rotary International with information on the money and hours contributed by the club in charitable activities for the full 2017/18 year.
  • The need for us to lower the average age of Rotarians and improve the diversity of our club membership.
  • How important it is that we maintain an ethical approach to all matters, because that is what differentiates Rotarians from other groups.
  • The revamped Presidential citation, which should enable effective clubs to qualify.
  • That the Rotary International convention in Toronto in June 2018 will be a great event.


Rotary International Travel Service (RITS) will book your transportation to the conference.  To utilize Rotary’s funds most effectively, please note that I expect my representatives to be very prudent with any other costs they incur, in accordance with our Code of Policies.   Please keep this in mind when considering your acceptance of this assignment.


Please also be advised that your contribution at the conference will be evaluated not just by the District Governor, but also by members of the Clubs in the District, by virtue of a new online tool developed by us.


I anticipate hearing only good reviews since we selected you because you have the ability to inspire, lead by example, and deliver a fantastic Rotary message. We think you can demonstrate Rotary: Making A Difference in a very meaningful way.


Please respond using My Rotary. Step-by-step instructions are attached for your easy reference. You will also be able to access background information to help you prepare for this assignment immediately upon acceptance in My Rotary. If you are unable to respond in this manner, please contact Senior Leader Support staff at Thank you for your ongoing efforts in the name of Rotary.  It shows that we do Make a Difference.




Ian H.S. Riseley

President, Rotary International 2017-18


RIPR-Instructions_My Rotary_Pres Rep Invitation Guide_EN