Study protocol on comparative effectiveness of mindfulness meditation and qigong on psychophysiological outcomes for patients with colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled trial

Study protocol on comparative effectiveness of mindfulness meditation and qigong on psychophysiological outcomes for patients with colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled trial

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017, 17:390 | Published on: 8 August 2017



Evaluation of muscle activity, bite force and salivary cortisol in children with bruxism before and after low level laser applied to acupoints: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017, 17:391 | Published on: 8 August 2017



( de BV5AF )

八八節-父親節-付清節 (歌曲)




MOTHER FATHER (Journey Cover) Steve Murphy

荷蘭達人秀天使女孩:Amira Willighagen:O Mio Babbino Caro (中文字幕)
2013年10月,荷蘭達人秀上,九歲的女孩──Amira Willighagen,震撼了所有的評審與觀眾,她的名字已紅遍了歐洲的音樂界,是什麼樣的聲音能讓評審一直站起來大呼「不可能!」?


( 2017/08/08 D3462 DRFC chair & PDG Doctor P-J Lin )