about D3462 carry forward amount

about D3462 carry forward amount

D3462_Available_DDF_by_District_PY2018 (1)

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Steve Lyons <Steve.Lyons@rotary.org>
Date: 2017-08-02 23:51 GMT+08:00
Subject: FW: about D3462 carry forward amount

To: “bv5af73@gmail.com” <bv5af73@gmail.com>
Cc: Callie Czerkie <Callie.Czerkie@rotary.org>

Dear DRFC Chair Lin:


Greetings, and thank you for your question.


The remaining 2016-17 DDF from D-3460 has now been redistributed to your district and D-3461 based on the percentage of contributing clubs in 2013-14 that moved to each district.  The total for your district is US$179,786.43, which represents 46 percent of the total.  This is recorded as a District transfer instead of Carry Forward Amount on the attached report.


Your patience is much appreciated as the many year-end and new district processes are completed.  If you have any questions about DDF, you are always welcome to contact me.


With best regards,



Steve Lyons

SHARE Supervisor | Donor Services and Support

Tel 1.847.866.3362



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