Request to authorise Global Grant No. GG 1863030

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From: Ramesh Agrawal <>
Date: 2017-09-21 21:01 GMT+08:00
Subject: Request to authorise Global Grant No. GG 1863030
To: Maullin Patel <>, PDG Surgeon Chi-tien Liu <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>
Cc: “” <>, Ramesh Agrawal <>, Sushil Gupta <>, Ramesh Aggarwal <>, Ratnesh Kashyap <>

Dear All,
Greetings from DRFC District 3054, India.
You would recall regarding Global Grant Project on Wash in Schools, for Providing Basic Facilities in 100 Rural Area under Wash in School programme.
One of our club Rotary Club Jaipur Mid Town has completed one Global Grant Application No. GG 1863030 and now it requires your authorization.
Please be kind enough to do it from your side. If you need any information/clarification regarding the project, you can mail me or call me any time.
Your early action will help us to submit the application to TRF at an early date.
Authorization required from following:
S.No.   District        name of Rtn               Club
(1)      3501          Chi-Tien Liu                 Yangmei
(2)      3501          Ching-Hsuan Huang    Miaoli Southeast
(3)     3461           Jui-Lung Tung             Taichung Harbor East
(4)     3461           Shun-An Lee                Yuan Li
(5)     3462           Po-Jung Lin                  Changhwa Central
(6)     3462           Ming-Hsien Hsieh         Tyan Chung
(7)     3523           Kim-Poh Ng                   Taipei Southgate
(8)     3523           Jen-Rong Chu               Taipei South
(9)     3481           Chung-Tong Chen          Chung Ho
(10)   3481           Jenn-Pan Horng            Taipei West
Pls be kind to authorize the application No. GG 1863030 at earliest.  
Thanking you,
Ramesh Agrawal
Chair District Rotary Foundation Committee (2016-17-18)
Zone Promotion Coordinator Toronto Convention 2018,
ZLC-Zone-2, RILM (2017-18),
Chair Promotion Zone-4, Rotary Zone Institute 2017,
Sec.Distt.WinS Target Challenge Recognition Committee (2017-18)
Vice Chair District WinS Committee (2017-18)
Chair Rotary News Trust (2014-15) 
District Governor (2014-15)
District 3054(Old 3052) 
Rotary International


September 2017 Update – Rotary ITHF

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From: Rotary ITHF <>
Date: 2017-09-21 13:36 GMT+08:00
Subject: September 2017 Update
To: Po-Jung Lin

ITHF Update – September 2017

Coming to the Toronto Convention next year? Book your hotel with other ITHF’ers! Rotary Convention staff have advised that Toronto is hosting a separate citywide event during our convention, that is raising demand and prices for hotels. ITHF has a guaranteed room block at the Toronto Hilton, conveniently located downtown and minutes from the convention by shuttle bus. For details, email But hurry – we can’t hold these rooms much longer!

The next issue of our “Connections” newsletter will be out late next month. Now is a good time to get your story of a connection you made, along with 2 photos, in to Newsletter Editor, and have a free year added to your ITHF membership.

Do you know of members who have been affected by this year’s natural disasters?  The hurricanes in the Caribbean, Florida, and Texas, floods in India and Nepal, the wildfires in the western USA and Canada, earthquakes in Mexico, and other events have been devastating. Our hearts go out to any members, family members or friends who have been affected. If you can, send your story in to the newsletter – you, too, can earn an extra year of membership!

Like us on Facebook!  Linda Bauer, a member in Washington state, USA, has accepted the role of Facebook administrator for ITHF. Check out the page at, like and follow it to keep up with your friends!
Also – should we have a presence on any other social media? Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp? Post your recommendations on the Facebook page!

It’s not too late to sign up for one of our great Canada tours in 2018. Complete details are on the website – (Remember to put the “s” on “https” – it makes the site much easier to find!) And look over your profile while you’re there. Does it need updating? Have you made new Connections?

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to – I always want to hear from you!
                                                                                                Rick Harned
                                                                                                ITHF Administrator