FW: Request to provide details of District, Primary contact for proposed WinS project

FW: Request to provide details of District, Primary contact for proposed WinS project

From: Gary CK Huang



非常感謝 貴地區慷慨捐助參與印度D.3052 “Wash in Schools” project.  印度方面對此案非常重視, 並且已經在積極進行中, 附上印度方的刊物, 呈請參考.  相信台灣和印度的此次合作, 一定能夠將台灣社友的捐款發揮最大效益.

主辦方PDG Ramesh Agrawal來函如下, 為向TRF遞送申請資料, 依TRF的規定, 需要 貴地區提供3位聯絡人資料: 主要聯絡人 (primary contact -DRFC) 以及2位Committee Members.

敬請 貴地區指派2位聯絡人担任此案的committee members.


(1) DRFC的聯絡資料已填寫在表格上, 煩請填寫DRFC的社員ID no..

(2) 請填寫2位committee members的姓名, 社員ID no., e-mail及TEL.

懇請盡快回覆.  謝謝您.

With best regards.

Gary Huang

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WinS News Letter - May-June 2017

From: Ramesh Agrawal [mailto:ragrawal20@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 7:13 PM
To: Gary CK Huang; Sushil Gupta; Ramesh Aggarwal; Ramesh Agrawal; Ratnesh Kashyap
Subject: Request to provide details of District, Primary contact for proposed WinS project

Respected Gary Huang,

PRIP and Trustee, Rotary International,

Ni hao,

Greetings from your Governor(2014-15) from District 3054(Old 3052), Jaipur.

I am very much thankful for your kind support to our projects of Wash in School in our district. In first phase we are working to provide basic facilities in 150 Govt. Schools, out of already selected 500 schools, for which an agreement has been executed with the Government.

On the initiation of  Shri Sushil  Gupta Ji, you have been kind enough to help us with the DDF contribution of US$ 48000/-.

Please be kind enough to provide us the details of the District, their No. and the details of Primary contact, along with the two committee members

and their ID No’s, without which the application can’t be completed.

Once, I would received  above information, i would prepare the complete application and make it ready to submit.

Once again I submit my gratitude for your kind support.

Ramesh Agrawal
Chair District Rotary Foundation Committee (2016-17-18)
Zone Promotion Coordinator Toronto Convention 2018,
ZLC-Zone-2, RILM (2017-18),
Chair Promotion Zone-4, Rotary Zone Institute 2017,
Sec.Distt.WinS Target Challenge Recognition Committee (2017-18)
Vice Chair District WinS Committee (2017-18)
Chair Rotary News Trust (2014-15)
District Governor (2014-15)
District 3054(Old 3052)
Rotary International

Request for sponsorship for medical missions for US$ 50,000

Dear PDG Doctor,
這是昨天才收到由印度籍RI 前社長Raja Saboo來的email, 我等下會打電話與您研究.
謝三連 Jackson
寄件人: “RK Saboo”
日期: 2017年8月17日 GMT+8 20:43:16
收件人: “PRID Jackson Sun-Lien Hsieh”
標題: Request for sponsorship for medical missions for US$ 50,000

Dear friend Jackson,

Warm greetings to you from India.

The new year has started and I am again seeking your help in getting as many sponsorships for medical missions to Africa for the year 2017-18 as possible.

Last year you were very kind to get me DDF $ 40,000 which helped a great deal. This included the extra effort you made to get us DDF $ 10,000 for our Mongolia medical mission which is going to take place now. In fact, the team will be leaving on 26 August and both and Usha and I will be part of it. The team will return after working there for 9 days.

This year I will need little more. Because of the passing away of great leader Sam Owori I have committed more medical missions to Africa during this year and if you can get me an amount of DDF $ 50,000 I will be able to get 4 medical missions with that sponsorship. I will seek help from other friends in other countries and the objective is to have at least 8 medical missions this year as a homage to our departed friend Sam.

If you want to have a short write up about the medical missions I can do that although you are fully aware of the project and the activities that we do. These medical missions are not only for providing the surgeries and treatment but very significantly the VTT which sustains the education part. When our surgeons and doctors go to the country of mission work they carry some equipment and also while providing the treatment work with the local surgeons and doctors to teach them and share the know-how. This is to ensure that once our team returns the local doctors can continue the medical treatment and procedures as they learnt from the VTT program.

It was so good that you could join our Reunion in Atlanta and also could break bread with us.

Warm regards,


email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17

email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Steve Lyons
Date: 2017-08-17 4:13 GMT+08:00
Subject: SHARE Carry Forward Amount for District 3462
To: 3462dg1718, bv5af
Cc: alfa, bv5afg, Callie Czerkie

Dear District Governor and DRFC Chair:

All districts will be receiving an email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17. Since your district is new, when you look at the Available DDF by District Report you will see $0.00 for 2014-2015 contributions. Please refer to the “District Transfers” to see the DDF amount redistributed based on the movement of clubs from the old district to your district.

For new districts, the “Carry Forward from 2016-2017” is also $0.00 on the report. The unspent balance from the old district(s) has been redistributed, and an additional district transfer amount is listed.

If you have notified the Foundation, any global grants submitted by an old district that will be funded by your district are listed on the report with “tagged” DDF amounts. You are strongly encouraged to contact your Regional Grants Officer Callie Czerkie to ensure that all of the grants in draft and submitted status with tagged DDF from the old district can be transferred to your new district.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about your district’s DDF balance.


Steve Lyons
SHARE Supervisor | Donor Services and Support
Tel 1.847.866.3362