彰化松柏社授證20周年慶 – 金山古道 – CP Health 祝福


《今山古道》 黄大城 ♥ 前人種樹,後人乘涼 ~ 飲水得思源 ♥♪♫•*•¨*
黃大城(1955 – 2008),畢業於政治大學,1978年以一曲「彌度山歌」獲得第二屆金韻獎民歌組冠軍。曾和王夢麟和趙樹海組成MIB三重唱,也曾和好友共組「大地五重唱」。他是一位臺灣歌手。他的嗓音渾厚且俱剛毅之氣,特別擅長適合詮釋民謠類型的歌曲。


山呀山哟綿延不斷 遠山接近山哟
迢迢山徑盤層巒呀 咱們步步高陞哟
看山嵐飄呀風光好哟 開路辛勞多

山呀山哟綿延不斷 今山載古道哟
悠悠聞風藏名山呀 咱們步步高陞哟
看風物博呀典範佳哟 先賢心恤多


CP Health (BV5AG) 來自英國East Sussex的祝福

Request for sponsorship for medical missions for US$ 50,000

Dear PDG Doctor,
這是昨天才收到由印度籍RI 前社長Raja Saboo來的email, 我等下會打電話與您研究.
謝三連 Jackson
寄件人: “RK Saboo”
日期: 2017年8月17日 GMT+8 20:43:16
收件人: “PRID Jackson Sun-Lien Hsieh”
標題: Request for sponsorship for medical missions for US$ 50,000

Dear friend Jackson,

Warm greetings to you from India.

The new year has started and I am again seeking your help in getting as many sponsorships for medical missions to Africa for the year 2017-18 as possible.

Last year you were very kind to get me DDF $ 40,000 which helped a great deal. This included the extra effort you made to get us DDF $ 10,000 for our Mongolia medical mission which is going to take place now. In fact, the team will be leaving on 26 August and both and Usha and I will be part of it. The team will return after working there for 9 days.

This year I will need little more. Because of the passing away of great leader Sam Owori I have committed more medical missions to Africa during this year and if you can get me an amount of DDF $ 50,000 I will be able to get 4 medical missions with that sponsorship. I will seek help from other friends in other countries and the objective is to have at least 8 medical missions this year as a homage to our departed friend Sam.

If you want to have a short write up about the medical missions I can do that although you are fully aware of the project and the activities that we do. These medical missions are not only for providing the surgeries and treatment but very significantly the VTT which sustains the education part. When our surgeons and doctors go to the country of mission work they carry some equipment and also while providing the treatment work with the local surgeons and doctors to teach them and share the know-how. This is to ensure that once our team returns the local doctors can continue the medical treatment and procedures as they learnt from the VTT program.

It was so good that you could join our Reunion in Atlanta and also could break bread with us.

Warm regards,
