
寄件者: BV5AF
日期: 2017年8月18日 下午8:33
主旨: Re: 彰化西北扶輪社提問捐款問題
收件者: 彰化西北扶輪社

1. 最好每位社友捐獻最低25美元以上。
原文只要求捐25美元以上的社友人數要比去年增加。 (包含25美元)

2 總數$5000可規劃將$1000美元捐End Polio項目。


彰化西北扶輪社 於 2017年8月18日 下午3:34 寫道:






彰化西北扶輪社 2017/8/18

email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17

email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Steve Lyons
Date: 2017-08-17 4:13 GMT+08:00
Subject: SHARE Carry Forward Amount for District 3462
To: 3462dg1718, bv5af
Cc: alfa, bv5afg, Callie Czerkie

Dear District Governor and DRFC Chair:

All districts will be receiving an email about the carry forward amount from 2016-17. Since your district is new, when you look at the Available DDF by District Report you will see $0.00 for 2014-2015 contributions. Please refer to the “District Transfers” to see the DDF amount redistributed based on the movement of clubs from the old district to your district.

For new districts, the “Carry Forward from 2016-2017” is also $0.00 on the report. The unspent balance from the old district(s) has been redistributed, and an additional district transfer amount is listed.

If you have notified the Foundation, any global grants submitted by an old district that will be funded by your district are listed on the report with “tagged” DDF amounts. You are strongly encouraged to contact your Regional Grants Officer Callie Czerkie to ensure that all of the grants in draft and submitted status with tagged DDF from the old district can be transferred to your new district.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about your district’s DDF balance.


Steve Lyons
SHARE Supervisor | Donor Services and Support
Tel 1.847.866.3362